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S. feleg n. “cave, mine, underground dwelling” (Category: Cave)

S. feleg, eljls n. “cave, ⚠️mine, underground dwelling” (Category: Cave)
G. feleg “equal”

A word for “cave, mine, underground dwelling” in Notes on Names (NN) from 1957, derived from the root √PHELEK, that Tolkien considered as an alternative to fela (< ✶phelgā) for the initial element of the name Felagund (PE17/118).

Conceptual Development: N. feleg “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak” appeared in a deleted entry in The Etymologies of the 1930s, but that seems unrelated.

Neo-Sindarin: In a note from 1959, Tolkien derived Felagund as a loan word from Khuzdul Felakgundu “Cave Hewer” (PM/352), and this was the etymology Christopher Tolkien gave in The Silmarillion index (SI/Felagund). I prefer this as the basis for Felagund’s name, and √PHELEG over √PHELEK as the ancient Elvish root. Nevertheless I think feleg “cave” may remain viable in Neo-Sindarin as a loan word from Khuzdul. The similarity of ancient Elvish PHELEG and Dwarvish radical *F-L-K may be a coincidence or the result of Avari influence on Ancient Dwarvish.

Reference ✧ PE17/118 ✧ “cave, mine, underground dwelling”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

PHELEK > feleg [pʰeleke] > [ɸeleke] > [feleke] > [felek] > [feleg] ✧ PE17/118

N. feleg n. “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak” (Category: Peak, Summit)

A deleted word in The Etymologies of the 1930s, the only derivative of the deleted root ᴹ√PHELEK “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak” and thus probably of similar meaning (EtyAC/PHELÉK). In later writings, S. feleg was a word for “cave”.

Reference ✧ EtyAC/PHELÉK ✧ “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak”


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√PHELÉK > feleg [pʰeleke] > [ɸeleke] > [feleke] > [felek] > [feleg] ✧ EtyAC/PHELÉK