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Q. táva n. “great tree” (Category: Tree (generic))

Q. táva, 1~CyE n. “great tree” (Category: Tree (generic))

A noun appearing as tāva “great tree” in a list of “large & small” roots from around 1968 derived from the root √TAW “wood”.

Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had ᴱQ. taule “great tree” under the early root ᴱ√TAVA “beam”, a homonym of ᴱQ. taule “pillar” under the early root ᴱ√TAW̯A (QL/90).

Reference ✧ PE17/115 ✧ tāva “great tree”


Phonetic Developments

TAW > tāva [tāwa] > [tāβa] > [tāva] ✧ PE17/115

ᴱQ. taule¹ n. “great tree” (Category: Tree (generic))

See Q. táva for discussion.

References ✧ LT1A/Tavari; QL/90




Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√TAVA > taule [taβlē] > [taβle] > [taule] ✧ QL/90