AQ. initial [d] became [l]; [d-] > [l-]
In Ancient Quenya any initial d- became l-, a change Tolkien mentioned frequently starting in the 1930s:
d > l (r) (Comparative Tables, 1930s, PE19/18).
d became l initially. (Outline of Phonetic Development [OP1], 1940s, PE19/18).
d became l initially ... No clear case of initial r occurs. [add to margin in red ball point] A very early change? Cases of d/l variation are found in other[?] languages and may go back to C. Eld. or earlier (Outline of Phonology [OP2], early 1950s, PE19/69-70).
Quenya initial d- normally > l- (etymology notes from the late 1950s, PE17/17).
Quenya has alda since its initial voiced stops (like Greek) were all spirantalized and weakened: b > v, d > l, g > ʒ > nil (etymology notes from the late 1950s, PE17/153).
This form is due to the early change in Q of initial d > l. The change was regular in both Vanyarin and Noldorin dialects of Quenya (Quendi and Eldar, circa 1960, WJ/363).
This [d/l variation] was far older and distinct from the normal Quenya change of initial d > l; though the existence of the variation already in the language may have assisted in making l the normal change (Variation D/L in Common Eldarin, late 1960s, VT48/30).
In Quenya initial d- normally > l but the verbal forms clearly used -de (Quenya Pronominal Elements, 1968, VT49/51).
As noted above, this Quenya sound change was distinct from sporadic d/l variation in Common Eldarin, which was a variation in related roots rather than a true phonetic development (VT48/23). Unfortunately, Tolkien did not describe the mechanism whereby d became l initially in Quenya. The medial development was:
Medially between vowels it appears to have been somewhat retracted, and to have become at first a weak untrilled r or đ-like sound distinct from original r. The two sounds have distinct letters in earlier Quenya spelling, which may be represented by r (original) and r̃ (derived from d). 7 = r, 6 = ř (OP2: PE19/69-70).
The exact nature of this medial development (which Tolkien most frequently represented as ř) isn’t entirely clear, but the general consensus is that it was probably an alveolar approximant [ɹ], which is how “r” is typically pronounced in English (untrilled). Perhaps initially it further developed into the lateral approximant [l] instead of to a trilled [r] as it did medially. Alternately, the initial development may have been [d-] > [ð-] > [l-]. Analogs of this sound change are hard to find in real-world languages [@@@ look into this more].
This sound change can be seen most easily in l-/d- variations between Quenya and Sindarin/Noldorin:
Conceptual Development: In Qenya of the 1910s and 20s, initial voiced stops were unvoiced, so that initial d- > t- as can be seen in t-/d- variations between Early Quenya and Gnomish/Early Noldorin:
There does seem to be one aberrant example of d- > t- in Tolkien’s later writing: ✶dāra > Q. tāra, S. Daur “wise” (PE17/102), as in Frodo’s Sindarin name. Most likely this is a fluke.
References ✧ PE17/17, 153; PE19/69-70, 75; VT48/30; VT49/51; WJ/363
Order (02800)
After | 01200 | initial [d] assimilated to following nasal | ||
After | 02600 | initial [dr-], [dl-] became [r-], [l-] | ||
Before | 02900 | voiced stops became spirants except after nasals |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
✧ PE19/69 (d > l; initially); PE19/75 (dy > ly; initially); VT48/30 (d > l); WJ/363 (d > l); PE17/153 (d > l; initial) |
Phonetic Rule Examples
danme > lanme | d- > l- | ✶danmi > Q. lanwe | ✧ VT48/32 |
danta- > lanta- | d- > l- | √DAN-TA > Q. lanta- | ✧ PE17/62 |
de > le | d- > l- | ✶de > Q. le | ✧ PE23/69 |
dē > lē | d- > l- | ✶de > Q. lé | ✧ VT49/51 |
dē > lē | d- > l- | ✶dē > lē > Q. lé | ✧ PE17/95 |
dēle > lēle | d- > l- | ‽√DEL > Q. lēle | ✧ NM/231 |
delja > lelja | d- > l- | ✶delya > Q. lelya | ✧ PE17/151 |
delja > lelja | d- > l- | ✶delya > Q. lelya | ✧ PE17/151 |
delja- > lelja- | d- > l- | √DEL > Q. lelya | ✧ PE17/151 |
delja > lelja | d- > l- | ‽√DEL > Q. lelya | ✧ NM/231 |
delja- > lelja- | d- > l- | ✶delta/delya > Q. lelya | ✧ PE17/17 |
deluja > leluja | d- > l- | ✶delwa > Q. ?leluya | ✧ PE17/17 |
dimpa > limpa | d- > l- | √(N)DIP/B > Q. limpa | ✧ PE17/168 |
domba > lomba | d- > l- | √DOM > Q. lomba | ✧ PE22/153 |
dōmē > lōmē | d- > l- | ✶dōmē > Q. lómë | ✧ PE17/152 |
dōmē > lōmē | d- > l- | √DOM > Q. lóme | ✧ PE22/153 |
dōmē > lōmē | d- > l- | ✶dōmē > Q. lómë | ✧ SA/dú |
dūbā > lūbā | d- > l- | ✶dūbā > Q. lúva | ✧ PE17/168 |
duime > luime | d- > l- | √DUY > Q. luime | ✧ VT48/23 |
duime > luime | d- > l- | √DUY > Q. luime | ✧ VT48/24 |
duinē > luinē | d- > l- | ✶duinē > Q. **luine | ✧ RC/766 |
duita- > luita- | d- > l- | √DUY > Q. luita- | ✧ VT48/23 |
ᴹAQ. initial [d] became [l]; [d-] > [l-]
Reference ✧ PE19/32
Order (02900)
After | 01200 | initial [d] assimilated to following nasal | ||
After | 02700 | initial [dr-], [dl-] became [r-], [l-] | ||
Before | 03000 | voiced stops became spirants except after nasals and liquids |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
✧ PE19/38 (d > l; initial) |
Phonetic Rule Examples
dab- > lab- | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAB > ᴹQ. lav- | ✧ Ety/DAB |
dagra > lagra | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAG > ᴹQ. lára | ✧ EtyAC/DAG |
dagwe > lagwe | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dagwe > ᴹQ. lau(w)e | ✧ PE19/46 |
dai > lai | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAƷ > ᴹQ. lai | ✧ EtyAC/DAƷ |
daime > laime | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAY > ᴹQ. laime | ✧ Ety/DAY |
daime > laime | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAY > ᴹQ. laime | ✧ EtyAC/DAY |
daime > laime | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAY > ᴹQ. laime | ✧ EtyAC/DAY |
daira > laira | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAY > ᴹQ. laira | ✧ Ety/DAY |
daira > laira | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAY > ᴹQ. laira | ✧ EtyAC/DAY |
dajō > lajō | d- > l- | ᴹ✶daı̯ō > ᴹQ. leo | ✧ Ety/DAY |
danta > lanta | d- > l- | ᴹ√DANT > ᴹQ. lanta | ✧ Ety/DAT |
danta > lanta | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAT > ᴹQ. lanta | ✧ Ety/TALÁT |
danta- > lanta- | d- > l- | ᴹ√DANT > ᴹQ. lanta- | ✧ Ety/DAT |
danta- > lanta- | d- > l- | ᴹ√DAT > ᴹQ. lanta- | ✧ Ety/TALÁT |
dantar > lantar | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dantā́r > dantār > ᴹQ. lantar | ✧ PE21/58 |
dantar > lantar | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dantar > đantā̆r > ᴹQ. lantar | ✧ PE21/63 |
dattā > lattā | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dattā > ᴹQ. latta | ✧ Ety/DAT |
dattā > lattā | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dattā > ᴹQ. latta | ✧ EtyAC/DAT |
dō > lō | d- > l- | ᴹ√DOƷ/DÔ > ᴹQ. ló | ✧ Ety/DOƷ |
dōme > lōme | d- > l- | ᴹ√DOƷ/DÔ > ᴹQ. lóme | ✧ Ety/DOƷ |
dōme > lōme | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dōmi- > ᴹQ. lóme | ✧ Ety/DOMO |
dōmē > lōmē | d- > l- | ᴹ√DOƷ > ᴹQ. lóme | ✧ Ety/LUM |
dōme > lōme | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dōmi > ᴹQ. lōme | ✧ SD/302 |
dōmilindē > lōmilindē | d- > l- | ᴹ✶dōmilindē > ᴹQ. lōmelinde | ✧ SD/302 |
dōna > lōna | d- > l- | ᴹ√DOƷ/DÔ > ᴹQ. lóna | ✧ Ety/DOƷ |
dumna > lumna | d- > l- | ᴹ√DUB > ᴹQ. lumna | ✧ Ety/DUB |
dumna- > lumna- | d- > l- | ᴹ√DUB > ᴹQ. lumna- | ✧ Ety/DUB |