ᴺS. [G.] ^gwiltha- v. “to air, expose to air” (Category: Air, Ether)
G. gwailtha- v. “to air; expose to air” (Category: Air, Ether)
A word appearing in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s as G. gwailtha- “to air - expose to air”, a verb form of G. gwail “air” from the root ᴱ√gu̯il (GL/45).
Neo-Sindarin: I think this word can be salvaged as a causative verb ᴺS. gwiltha- of the same meaning, from the later version of its root: ᴹ√WIL which still have derivatives related to “air”, such as N. gwelw “air (as a substance)” (Ety/WIL).
Reference ✧ GL/45 ✧ “to air; expose to air”
gwail | “air” | ✧ GL/45 |
#-tha¹ | “verb suffix” | ✧ GL/45 (#-tha) |