S. mund n. “bull” (Category: Bull)
An Elvish word for “bull” in a 1972 letter to Meriel Thurston appearing as an element in various names such as Aramund “Noble Bull” (Let/423). Given its lack of final vowel, this is likely the Sindarin equivalent of Q. mundo “bull” appearing in another letter to Mrs. Thurston from early in the same year (Let/422).
Conceptual Development: The similar word G. mû “ox” appeared in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s serving as the basis for various cow-related words (GL/58).
Reference ✧ Let/423 ✧ “bull”
Element In
G. mû n. “ox” (Category: Ox, Steer)
References ✧ GL/58
Element In