Neo-Primitive Elvish Deprecated Words

⚠️ᴹ√A root. “intensive prefix”; see instead:
Q. an- “intensive prefix”
S. #an- “intensive prefix”
⚠️ᴹ√AD root. “entrance, gate”; see instead:
NA/ANA “to, towards; at side of, alongside, besides; moreover, in addition, plus”
⚠️AD(A) root. “by (the side of), beside, alongside; against, opposed to, opposite”; see instead:
AS² “beside”
⚠️ad(a) prep. “and, alongside”; see instead:
as(a) “and”
⚠️ᴱ√AFA root. “open, begin”; see instead:
LAT¹ “open, unenclosed, free to entry, [ᴹ√] lie open; be extended, stretch, be situated (of an area); ⚠️[√] low, lowlying, at ground level”
*√YESET “beginning”
⚠️ᴱ√AHA root. “know”; see instead:
SAN “think, use mind; (trans.) ponder, consider in thought”
⚠️ᴱ√AKA root. “*intensive, excessive”; see instead:
Q. an- “intensive prefix”
S. #an- “intensive prefix”
⚠️√, ᴹ√ALA root. “no, not; negative; not to be”; see instead:
LA “no, not; negative; not to be”
⚠️ᴱ√ALA¹ root. “gaze‽”; see instead:
EL “lo, behold; star, [ᴹ√] starry sky”
AL(A) “good (physically), blessed, fortunate, prosperous, health(y)”
⚠️ᴱ√ALA² root. “spread‽”; see instead:
GAL² “grow (like plants), flourish, be healthy, be vigorous, bloom, [ᴹ√] thrive”
⚠️ᴱ✶alchwa n. “swan”; see instead:
alkwā “swan”
⚠️ᴱ√ALU root. “cleanse, dress”; see instead:
ᴹ√POY “*clean”
⚠️AMA root. “addition, increase, plus”; see instead:
AM² “go up, [ᴹ√] up”
⚠️✶, ᴹ✶amtā n.; see instead:
ankā “jaws, (animal’s) mouth, [ᴹ✶] row of teeth”
⚠️ᴱ√AM(U) root. “up(wards)”; see instead:
AM² “go up, [ᴹ√] up”
⚠️ᴹ√ANA² root. “be, exist”; see instead:
“be (the same as another), exist”
⚠️ᴹ√ANAK root.; see instead:
NAK “bite”
⚠️ᴱ√AQA root. “grasp, hold”; see instead:
RAPH “seize, grab, [ᴹ√] snatch”
NAP “take (hold), pick up, grasp, seize quickly (with fingers)”
⚠️ᴹ√AR¹ root. “day”; see instead:
AS¹ “warmth”
UR “heat, be hot”
AR “beyond, further than; outside; ⚠️beside, alongside; [ᴱ√] spread, extend sideways”
⚠️ᴱ√ARA¹ root. “(be) dry”; see instead:
ᴹ√PARAK “*dry”
AR “beyond, further than; outside; ⚠️beside, alongside; [ᴱ√] spread, extend sideways”
⚠️ᴹ✶ari n. “day”; see instead:
auri “heat, period of sun”
⚠️ᴱ√ASAKA root. “*waterfall”; see instead:
S. lanthir “waterfall”
ᴺQ. !lantasírë “waterfall, (lit.) falling river”
⚠️ᴱ√AVA root. “go away, depart, leave”; see instead:
WĀ/AWA “away (from); go (away), depart, pass away, move (from speaker); before (of time), ago; [ᴹ√] forth, out”
⚠️ᴱ√AWA root. “burn; be parched, yellow, warm”; see instead:
AS¹ “warmth”
UR “heat, be hot”
WĀ/AWA “away (from); go (away), depart, pass away, move (from speaker); before (of time), ago; [ᴹ√] forth, out”
⚠️√, ᴹ√AY(AR) root. “sea”; see instead:
GAY(AR) “awe, dread; astound, make aghast; sea”
⚠️ᴹ√BA root. “away, go away”; see instead:
BĀ/ABA “refuse, forbid, prohibit, say nay (in refusal or denial), [ᴹ√] deny; ⚠️away, go away, depart”
⚠️ᴱ√*BALA root.; see instead:
PAL “wide, broad, extended; [ᴹ√] wide (open); [ᴱ√] flatness”
⚠️√, ᴹ√BA(N) root. “meet, come up against; go, [ᴹ√] proceed”; see instead:
MEN “go, move, proceed (in any direction); make for, go towards; have as object, (in)tend; direction, object, point moved toward; region”
⚠️ᴱ√?BAPA root. “drink”; see instead:
SOK “drink, gulp, quaff, drain”
YUL “drink”
⚠️ᴱ√?BATA root. “*build”; see instead:
ᴹ√BAT “tread”
⚠️ᴹ√BAY root. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
ᴹ√WAY “enfold”
⚠️ᴱ√* root. “‽”; see instead:
PEÑ “*lip, mouth”
⚠️ᴹ√BED root.; see instead:
ᴺ√BES “to wed”
⚠️ᴱ√*ɃELE root. “*great”; see instead:
BEL “[ᴹ√] strong”
⚠️BER root. “to mate, be mated, joined in marriage”; see instead:
ᴺ√BES “to wed”
⚠️ᴱ√BOÐO root. “*gate, door”; see instead:
ᴹ√AD “entrance, gate”
⚠️ᴹ✶kast adv. “towards the top”; see instead:
kasd(a) “to the head”
⚠️khyar ? “*before, in front of place”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHYAR “left hand”
⚠️✶, ᴹ✶kiukā n. “*thigh”; see instead:
ᴹ✶tiukō “thigh”
⚠️ᴹ√DAG root. “dig”; see instead:
ᴺ√SAP “[ᴱ√] dig, excavate”
⚠️ᴱ√DAGA root. “*slay”; see instead:
NDAK “slay; hew”
⚠️ᴱ√*DAHA root. “*high”; see instead:
TĀ/TAƷ “high, [ᴹ√] lofty; noble”
⚠️ᴹ√DAƷ root. “great”; see instead:
DAY “*great”
⚠️√, ᴹ√DAL root. “bottom, ground; [ᴹ√] flat”; see instead:
LAD “[ᴹ√] lie flat, be flat; ⚠️[√] bottom, ground”
LAT¹ “open, unenclosed, free to entry, [ᴹ√] lie open; be extended, stretch, be situated (of an area); ⚠️[√] low, lowlying, at ground level”
⚠️ᴱ√?DAVA root. “*skin”; see instead:
ᴹ√SKEL “*strip”
⚠️ᴹ√DAY root. “shadow”; see instead:
SKAL “cover, veil, cloak, conceal, [ᴹ√] screen, hide (from light), overshadow”
WATH “[ᴹ√] shade”
DAY “*great”
NDAY “dreadful, abominable, detestable”
⚠️DEL³ root. “thick, dense”; see instead:
!ᴺ√NDEL “thick, dense”
⚠️DEL⁴ root. “will”; see instead:
NID “will; force, press(ure), thrust; [ᴹ√] lean against”
⚠️ᴹ√DEM root. “sad, gloomy”; see instead:
*ᴺ√DIM “sad, gloomy”
⚠️ᴹ√DER root. “adult male, man”; see instead:
N(D)ER “male (person), man”
DER “hard, difficult”
⚠️ᴱ√?DṆTṆ root. “light up”; see instead:
KAL “light; shine, be bright, ⚠️[ᴱ√] shine golden”
DAT “fall down, fall to ground”
⚠️ᴱ√DO root. “*interrogative base”; see instead:
MA “interrogative base; [ᴱ√] root of indef[inite]”
⚠️ᴹ√DOƷ root. “night”; see instead:
DOM “dark, [ᴹ√] faint, dim”
*√DU “dark”
⚠️DROB root. “*wild”; see instead:
SRAB “wild, not tamed/domesticated”
⚠️ᴱ√?DULU root. “*dinner, dine”; see instead:
ᴹ√(N)DUL “hide, conceal”
⚠️ᴹ√DUS root. “?burn”; see instead:
UR “heat, be hot”
⚠️ᴱ√DYA root. “demonstrative pointing back”; see instead:
YA “[ᴹ√] there, over there; (of time) back, ago”
⚠️ᴱ√(D)YE root. “demonstrative pointing back”; see instead:
YA “[ᴹ√] there, over there; (of time) back, ago”
⚠️ᴱ√DYĒ¹ root. “*gaze”; see instead:
TIR “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at; [ᴹ√] guard”
⚠️ᴱ√DYĒ² root. “behind, back (before of time)”; see instead:
⚠️ᴱ√DYELE root. “*cold”; see instead:
RINGI “cold”
KHELEK “ice”
ᴹ√DYEL “feel fear and disgust; abhor”
⚠️ᴹ√DYELEK root. “sword?”; see instead:
MAK “strike; cut, hew with a sharp edge, [ᴹ√] cleave; sword, fight (with a sword); [√] forge metal; ⚠️kill, slay”
⚠️ᴱ√DYULU root. “*carry, bear”; see instead:
KOL “bear, carry, wear”
⚠️ᴱ√#ÐANA root. “day”; see instead:
auri “heat, period of sun”
⚠️ᴱ√ÐAPA root. “dig, excavate”; see instead:
ᴺ√SAP “[ᴱ√] dig, excavate”
⚠️ᴱ√ÐORO root. “sit”; see instead:
KHAD “sit”
⚠️ᴱ√ÐOTO root. “drop, fall”; see instead:
^ᴺ√DOT “drop, ⚠️fall”
⚠️ᴹ√E root. “intensive prefix”; see instead:
Q. an- “intensive prefix”
S. #an- “intensive prefix”
⚠️ᴱ√E root. “that (by you)”; see instead:
EN “again, once more, go on doing; further, beyond; [ᴹ√] yonder, over there”
TA “that, there, then; demonstrative”
⚠️ᴹ√EDE(L) root. “precede, come forward, hence”; see instead:
DEL¹ “walk, go, proceed, travel”
MIN “one, first of a series; [ᴹ√] stand alone, stick out”
⚠️ᴹ√EDEL root. “*star-folk”; see instead:
ELED “*Star-Folk, Elf”
edelō “one who goes, traveller, migrant, marcher”
⚠️ᴱ√EÐE¹ root. “out”; see instead:
ET “out, forth”
⚠️ᴱ√EÐE² root. “*iron, steel”; see instead:
ANGA “iron”
⚠️ᴹ√ root. “be”; see instead:
“be, exist”
⚠️ᴱ√EIKA root. “*far, broad”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHAY “far, distant, remote”
⚠️ᴱ√ELE¹ root. “drive, push, thrust, send forth”; see instead:
NID “will; force, press(ure), thrust; [ᴹ√] lean against”
⚠️ᴱ√?ELE² root. “?wonder”; see instead:
^ᴺ√ELEM “wonder, marvel”
^ᴺ√ELEK “different, strange; other”
⚠️ᴺ√^ELEK root. “different, strange; other”; see instead:
HEK “aside, apart, separate”
⚠️EM² root. “mother”; see instead:
AM¹ “mother”
⚠️ᴱ√EŊE root. “*plane, level”; see instead:
PAL “wide, broad, extended; [ᴹ√] wide (open); [ᴱ√] flatness”
“be, exist”
⚠️ᴱ√ENE¹ root. “*idea, invention, devise”; see instead:
ᴹ√GAW “think out, devise, contrive”
⚠️ᴱ√ENE² root. “six”; see instead:
ENEK “six”
⚠️ᴱ√ENU root. “origin‽”; see instead:
ER “one, single, only, alone; [ᴹ√] be alone, deprived; [ᴱ√] remain alone”
⚠️ᴹ√ES² root. “*place”; see instead:
*ᴹ√NOM “place”
⚠️ᴹ√ESEK root. “*sedge, reed”; see instead:
ᴹ✶lisge “reed”
⚠️ᴹ√ESE(T) root. “precede (forward)”; see instead:
*√YESET “beginning”
⚠️ᴹ✶etkoitu- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”; see instead:
tuilu- “to open (of buds, flowers)”
⚠️ᴱ√ETE root. “cling together”; see instead:
KHIM “adhere, [ᴹ√] stick, cleave [to]”
ET “out, forth”
⚠️√, ᴹ✶EYE root. “feminine”; see instead:
NĪ/INI “[ᴹ√] female”
⚠️ᴹ√EZGE root. “rustle, noise of leaves; shade”; see instead:
SKAL “cover, veil, cloak, conceal, [ᴹ√] screen, hide (from light), overshadow”
⚠️ᴱ√FAGA root. “*blow”; see instead:
PHAW “breath, puff of breath; blow, emit (foul breath); [ᴹ√] gape”
⚠️ᴱ√?FAKA root. “cut”; see instead:
RIS “cut; [ᴹ√] slash, rip; ⚠️cleave”
⚠️ᴱ√FALA¹ root. “bare, nude”; see instead:
PAR² “peel, *bare”
⚠️ᴱ√FANA root. “*dream, vision”; see instead:
OLOS “dream, vision, fantasy; ⚠️[ᴹ√] sleep”
PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision”
⚠️ᴱ√?FAPA root.; see instead:
MAH “handle, manage, control, wield; ⚠️serve, be of use; [ᴹ√] hand; [ᴱ√] grasp”
PĀ/APA “touch; after, behind of place”
⚠️ᴱ√?FASA root. “wash”; see instead:
ᴹ√POY “*clean”
^ᴺ√SOW “wash, *bath”
ᴹ√PHAS “*tangle, shag, fringe”
⚠️ᴱ√?FATA root.; see instead:
ᴹ√PHAR “reach, go all the way, suffice”
⚠️ᴱ√FAWA root. “smell”; see instead:
THAW “cruel; ⚠️stink”
ᴹ√NUS “sense, wisdom; *sense of smell”
⚠️ᴱ√FAYA root. “*free”; see instead:
LER “free”
LEK “loose, unbind, let, permit, [ᴹ√] let loose, release”
PHAY “spirit; [ᴹ√] radiate, send out rays of light”
⚠️ᴱ√?FEDE root. “*law, bond”; see instead:
ᴹ√WED “bind”
ᴹ√STAN “fix, indicate, decide”
⚠️ᴱ√*FEKE root.; see instead:
ᴹ√SPAY “despise, contemn”
⚠️ᴱ√FEŊE root. “*cut”; see instead:
KIR “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; ⚠️shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly”
⚠️ᴱ√?FESE root. “*itch”; see instead:
^ᴺ√PHES “itch”
⚠️ᴱ√FIÐI root. “*hair”; see instead:
SPIN(ID) “fine thread, filament; hair”
⚠️ᴱ√FILI root. “fine, thin”; see instead:
PHIM “*slender, slim”
⚠️ᴱ√FIŊI root. “*narrow”; see instead:
NAKH “narrow, thin”
ᴹ√AK “narrow, confined”
⚠️ᴱ√FḶKḶ root. “cleave, hew”; see instead:
*√SPALAK “cleave, hew”
⚠️ᴱ√FṆÐṆ root. “*omen, ominous”; see instead:
GOR “deep, profound; warn, counsel; urge, impel, move; [ᴹ√] impetus, haste, ⚠️violence”
ᴹ√ULUG “*hideous, deformed”
PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision”
⚠️ᴱ√FṆTṆ¹ root. “*crooked, twisted”; see instead:
PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision”
PHIN¹ “clever, skillful; neat, fine, delicate; skill, dexterity, [ᴹ√] nimbleness”
⚠️ᴱ√FOƷO root. “hide, hoard, store up, lay up in secret”; see instead:
PHAW “breath, puff of breath; blow, emit (foul breath); [ᴹ√] gape”
ᴹ√MUY “*secret”
⚠️ᴱ√FOLO root. “*smoke, reek”; see instead:
USUK “*reek, smoke; ⚠️dusk, evening”
⚠️ᴱ√?FOTO root. “end, final, last”; see instead:
MET “end, finality”
TEL “close, end, complete, come to an end”
⚠️ᴱ√?FUKU root. “*smoke, smoulder”; see instead:
USUK “*reek, smoke; ⚠️dusk, evening”
⚠️ᴱ√FUMU root. “sleep”; see instead:
(O)LOR “[ᴹ√] sleep, [ᴱ√] doze, slumber; ⚠️[√] dream, vision”
⚠️ᴱ√FURU root. “*conceal”; see instead:
ᴹ√THUR “surround, fence, ward, hedge in, secrete”
KUB “hide, secrete”
⚠️ᴱ√?FUVU root. “moth”; see instead:
!ᴺ√PHUM “moth”
⚠️GALAB root. “flower”; see instead:
galmā “flower”
⚠️GALAM root. “elm”; see instead:
ALAB “elm”
⚠️ᴱ√?GANA root. “young”; see instead:
WIN “young, [ᴹ√] new, fresh”
NETH “(young) woman, female person; sister; fresh, lively, merry; [ᴹ√] young”
⚠️GAS root. “*warmth”; see instead:
AS¹ “warmth”
⚠️ᴹ√GAT(H) root. “*cave”; see instead:
ROT “delve underground, dig, excavate, tunnel, [ᴹ√] bore; [ᴱ√] hollow; ⚠️[√]cave”
⚠️ᴹ√GAY root. “*red, copper-coloured, ruddy”; see instead:
GAY(AR) “awe, dread; astound, make aghast; sea”
⚠️ᴹ√GEY root. “ever, everlasting”; see instead:
OY “ever, continual, unceasing”
⚠️ᴱ√*GIMI root. “*heed, pay attention”; see instead:
LAS² “listen”
KIM “edge, brink of”
⚠️ᴱ√GISI root. “*know”; see instead:
IS “know”
⚠️ᴹ√GOLOS root. “*snow, white”; see instead:
(G)LOS “snow, whiteness”
⚠️ᴹ√GOROM root.; see instead:
ROM “horn noise; [ᴹ√] loud noise”
⚠️ᴱ√GOÞO root. “strive; angry”; see instead:
ᴹ√GOS “dread”
KOT “be wroth, quarrel, [ᴹ√]strive; ⚠️[√] hate”
⚠️ᴹ√GOW root.; see instead:
ᴹ√GAW “think out, devise, contrive”
⚠️ᴱ√GṚÞṚ root. “*admire, have affection for”; see instead:
MEL “love, [ᴹ√] love (as friend)”
⚠️ᴹ√ root. “no, not”; see instead:
Ū “denial of fact, privation, negative element, [ᴱ√] not”
⚠️ᴱ√GUŊU root. “*spider”; see instead:
UÑG “spider”
⚠️ᴱ√GWĀ root. “*wind”; see instead:
“blow; noise of wind, echoic representation of sound of wind”
⚠️ᴱ√GWALA¹ root. “*brown”; see instead:
ᴹ√BARAN “russet, brown”
GWAL “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
⚠️ᴱ√GWASA root. “*rush”; see instead:
ALAK “rushing, [ᴹ√] swift”
*ᴺ√KHYAS “rush, rustle”
⚠️GWAY root.; see instead:
(G)WAN “pale, fair”
⚠️ᴱ√GWAṘA root. “rub”; see instead:
Q. †psar- “to rub, [ᴹQ.] fret”
⚠️ᴱ√GWEÐE¹ root. “*bend, loop”; see instead:
LOK “bend, loop, [ᴱ√] twine, twist, curl; [ᴹ√] great serpent, dragon”
⚠️ᴱ√GWEÐE² root.; see instead:
WEN(ED) “maiden, girl, virgin; ⚠️woman”
⚠️ᴱ√GWELE root. “*boil, bubble”; see instead:
^ᴺ√WEL “*boil, bubble”
⚠️ᴱ✶*Gwendi n.; see instead:
KWENED “spoken, articulate; [ᴹ√] Elf”
⚠️ᴱ√GWENE¹ root. “*maiden; woman”; see instead:
WEN(ED) “maiden, girl, virgin; ⚠️woman”
⚠️ᴱ√GWENE² root. “*large, wide”; see instead:
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
⚠️ᴱ√GWERE root. “whirl, twirl, twist”; see instead:
LOK “bend, loop, [ᴱ√] twine, twist, curl; [ᴹ√] great serpent, dragon”
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
ᴺ√KWIR “stir, spin”
⚠️ᴱ√#GWESE root. “greet, welcome”; see instead:
NATH “welcome, be kind to”
⚠️ᴱ√GWETE root. “*wind, turn, bend”; see instead:
LOK “bend, loop, [ᴱ√] twine, twist, curl; [ᴹ√] great serpent, dragon”
⚠️ᴱ√GWEVE root. “*worm”; see instead:
^ᴺ√WEB “*worm”
⚠️ᴱ√GWIÐI root. “*plait, weave”; see instead:
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
LAN “stretch, extend; ‽twine; [ᴹ√] weave”
⚠️ᴱ√GWILI¹ root. “*fly”; see instead:
ᴹ√WIL “fly, float in air”
⚠️ᴱ√GWINI root. “sparkle”; see instead:
TIN “sparkle, spark, [ᴱ√] twinkle, [ᴹ√] emit slender (silver pale) beams”
⚠️ᴱ√GWIŊI root. “*foam”; see instead:
ᴹ√WIG “*foam”
⚠️ᴱ√GWIWI root. “*young”; see instead:
WIN “young, [ᴹ√] new, fresh”
⚠️ᴱ√GWORI root. “‽”; see instead:
Val. mirub “wine”
⚠️ᴱ√GWṚÐṚ root. “die”; see instead:
ÑGUR “death; to die”
⚠️ᴱ√HAÐA root. “cleave, remain”; see instead:
KHAD “sit”
⚠️ᴱ√?HAKA root. “*squat”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KHAK “*squat”
⚠️ᴱ√HALA root. “*leap”; see instead:
KHAL “raise; lift up or extend upwards, [ᴹ√] uplift, erect, lift from ground, (make) stand up”
⚠️ᴱ√*HARA root.; see instead:
SRAW “body, flesh”
⚠️ᴱ√HATA root. “hurl, fling”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHAT “hurl, cast, send through air, loose from hand”
⚠️ᴱ√#HAWA root.; see instead:
KHAW¹ “[ᴹ√] rest, lie at ease; ⚠️[√] cover up, hide away, lay in store”
⚠️ᴱ√ǶEHE root. “breath; die, expire”; see instead:
THŪ “blow, cause an air movement, [ᴹ√] puff”
⚠️ᴱ√HELE root. “*freeze”; see instead:
KHEL “ice, [ᴹ√] freeze”
⚠️HEN root. “again; middle”; see instead:
EN “again, once more, go on doing; further, beyond; [ᴹ√] yonder, over there”
ENED “centre, middle; ⚠️three”
⚠️ᴱ√*ǶEN+U root. “*poison”; see instead:
SLOY “*poison”
⚠️HENET root. “middle”; see instead:
ENED “centre, middle; ⚠️three”
⚠️ᴱ√HEPE root. “bind, encircle‽”; see instead:
KHEP “retain, keep, do not give away or release, keep hold of; ⚠️[ᴱ√] bind; encircle”
KHAP “bind, make fast, restrain; [ᴹ√] enfold; [√]retain, keep, detain; ⚠️deprive of liberty”
⚠️ᴱ√HESE¹ root. “brother or sister”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KHETH “sibling, consanguinity”
⚠️ᴱ√HESE² root. “wither”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KHES “wither”
⚠️ᴱ√HILI root. “*youth, offspring”; see instead:
KHIL “follow (behind)”
KHIN “child”
⚠️ᴱ√HISI root. “*mist, dimness”; see instead:
KHITH “mist, [ᴹ√] fog”
⚠️ᴱ√?HIÞI root. “*listen”; see instead:
LAS² “listen”
⚠️ᴹ✶ n. “shout”; see instead:
KHOL² “crow, cry aloud”
⚠️ᴱ√HO root. “shout, scream”; see instead:
KHOL² “crow, cry aloud”
⚠️ᴱ√HOSO root. “*gather”; see instead:
KHOT¹ “gather, together in confusion, jumble”
⚠️ᴱ√HOTYO root. “sneeze”; see instead:
^ᴺ√HOT “sneeze”
⚠️ᴱ√HUHU² root. “*pine”; see instead:
thŏno “pine”
⚠️ᴱ√HULU root. “strip”; see instead:
ᴹ√SKEL “*strip”
⚠️ᴱ√HUNU root. “lie low”; see instead:
ᴹ√TUB “to fall low[?], go down (below normal ground level), (esp.) to go down (sink, dive) into water”
⚠️ᴱ√?ǶUNU root.; see instead:
N. annabon “elephant”
ᴹQ. andamunda “elephant”
⚠️ᴱ√?HUYU root. “*fog”; see instead:
KHITH “mist, [ᴹ√] fog”
⚠️ᴱ√ǶUẎU root. “*darkness”; see instead:
ᴹ√PHUY “*darkness”
⚠️ᴱ√HYA root. “this by us”; see instead:
SI¹ “this, [ᴹ√] here, now”
⚠️ᴱ√HYAÐA root. “plough through”; see instead:
ᴹ√SYAD¹ “shear through, cleave (through)”
⚠️ᴱ✶‽ʒalast- n. “*marble”; see instead:
^ᴺ✶galast- “marble, (orig.) thing pleasant to touch”
⚠️ƷAN root. “adorn; extend; long”; see instead:
HAN “add to, increase, enhance, enrich, honour (especially by gift); give”
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
⚠️ᴱ√ƷARA root. “spread, extend sideways; wide places”; see instead:
AR “beyond, further than; outside; ⚠️beside, alongside; [ᴱ√] spread, extend sideways”
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
⚠️ᴱ✶*ƷAWAKA n. “clumsy”; see instead:
^ᴺ✶GAWAK “clumsy”
⚠️ᴹ√ƷO root. “from, away, from among, out of”; see instead:
HO “from, coming from”
⚠️✶, ᴹ✶ʒō prep. “from”; see instead:
“from, coming from, as described by a genitive”
⚠️ᴱ√*ƷONO root. “hard”; see instead:
ᴹ√GONOD “stone”
⚠️ᴱ√*ƷṚMṚ root. “*gather”; see instead:
ᴹ√RIM “abound; large number”
⚠️ᴱ√*ƷUÐU root. “*burn”; see instead:
UR “heat, be hot”
⚠️ᴱ√‽IɃI root. “to swarm”; see instead:
IBI “*cliff, sheer descent”
⚠️√, ᴹ√ID root. “desire, long for”; see instead:
IR “desire, long for; [ᴹ√] desirable, beautiful”
⚠️ᴹ✶idrē n. “thoughtfulness”; see instead:
^ᴺ✶inrē “thoughtfulness”
⚠️ᴱ√IÐI root. “dwell‽”; see instead:
MBAR “settle; establish, fix, decide, determine, make a decision; dwell, [ᴹ√] inhabit, [ᴱ√] live”
⚠️ᴱ√?IKI root.; see instead:
GWAL “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
⚠️ᴱ√ILI¹ root. “shine oily”; see instead:
^ᴺ√ILIM “milk”
^ᴺ√MILIG “*oil”
⚠️ᴱ√ILI² root. “many”; see instead:
LI “many”
⚠️ᴱ√INI root. “small”; see instead:
ING “*highest, top; [ᴹ√] first, foremost”
⚠️INIS root. “inmost heart, thought, mind”; see instead:
IN(ID) “mind, (inner) thought, inmost heart, inner senses”
⚠️ᴱ√IQI root. “request, ask for”; see instead:
^ᴺ√IKWI(S) “request, ask for”
⚠️IT² root. “repeat, multiply; (great) enhancement”; see instead:
IT¹ “glitter, shine, shimmer, twinkle”
⚠️ᴱ√ITI¹ root. “peck, bite (of flies), annoy”; see instead:
^ᴺ√ITITH “annoy, *itch, irritate; ⚠️peck, bite (of flies)”
⚠️ᴱ√?ITI² root. “precious”; see instead:
MIR “precious; esteem, value”
IT¹ “glitter, shine, shimmer, twinkle”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√IW root. “[ᴱ√] *fish”; see instead:
ᴹ√LIW “*fish”
⚠️ᴹ√KAB² root. “to be able, capable”; see instead:
POL “can, have physical power and ability; large, big (strong); [ᴹ√] physically strong, [ᴱ√] have stength; [√] ⚠️pound up, break up small, reduce to powder”
KAB “hold, contain, retain, possess, have in hand; [ᴹ√] hollow”
⚠️ᴱ√KAILIK root. “*glass”; see instead:
KALAK “glass”
⚠️ᴱ√KAKA root. “laugh”; see instead:
LAL “laugh”
⚠️ᴱ√KALA² root. “*grow”; see instead:
GAL² “grow (like plants), flourish, be healthy, be vigorous, bloom, [ᴹ√] thrive”
⚠️ᴹ√KAM root. “bind, join”; see instead:
SAM¹ “have; [ᴹ√] unite, join”
⚠️ᴱ√KAMA¹ root. “lie down”; see instead:
KAY “lie, [ᴹ√] lie down; ⚠️[ᴱ√] rest, dwell”
KAM “fit, suit, be agreeable, agree; ⚠️[ᴹ√] bind, join”
⚠️ᴱ√KAŊA root. “weave, twine”; see instead:
ᴹ√LAN “weave”
ᴺ√KANGA “*tangle; ⚠️[ᴱ√] weave, twine”
⚠️ᴱ√KANA root. “*lead (metal)”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KANU “*lead (metal)”
⚠️KARAP root. “*talk, speech”; see instead:
PAKAT “*talk, speech”
⚠️ᴱ√KAVA root. “*dig”; see instead:
ᴺ√SAP “[ᴱ√] dig, excavate”
⚠️√, ᴹ√KAYAN root. “ten”; see instead:
KWAY “ten”
⚠️ᴹ√KAYAR root.; see instead:
KWAY “ten”
⚠️ᴱ√KAẆA root. “stoop”; see instead:
KAW “shelter”
⚠️ᴱ√KEKE¹ root. “to bubble up”; see instead:
KEL “flow (down or away), run (of water or rivers), go away, [ᴹ√] run away especially downwards or at end; ⚠️[ᴱ√] ooze, trickle”
⚠️ᴹ√KEN² root. “spearhead, gore”; see instead:
NEK¹ “narrow; *angular, sharp”
⚠️ᴱ√KENYE root. “prick”; see instead:
EK “(sharp) point, [ᴹ√] spear, thorn”
⚠️KER root. “cut with tool/weapon”; see instead:
KIR “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; ⚠️shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly”
⚠️ᴱ√KERE root. “turn”; see instead:
KWER “revolve, [ᴱ√] turn”
⚠️ᴱ√KEREKE² root. “turn round and round, send to and fro; weave”; see instead:
KWER “revolve, [ᴱ√] turn”
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
⚠️KES root. “other”; see instead:
KHY- “other”
⚠️KEY root. “*suppose”; see instead:
KWI “suppose”
⚠️√, ᴹ√KHAG² root. “pile up”; see instead:
KHAB “heap up, pile up”
⚠️KHAM root. “bind, make fast; restrain, deprive of liberty”; see instead:
KHAP “bind, make fast, restrain; [ᴹ√] enfold; [√]retain, keep, detain; ⚠️deprive of liberty”
ᴹ√KHAM² “call to, summon, name by name”
⚠️ᴹ√KHAM¹ root. “sit (down)”; see instead:
KHAD “sit”
⚠️ᴹ√KHAN(AK) root. “giant”; see instead:
ᴹ√NOROTH “*giant”
⚠️ᴹ√KHAR root. “helmet”; see instead:
STOL “helmet”
⚠️ᴹ√KHIS root.; see instead:
KHITH “mist, [ᴹ√] fog”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√KHO(N) root. “heart (physical)”; see instead:
KHOM “heart (physical organ)”
⚠️ᴹ√KHOTH root. “gather”; see instead:
KHOT¹ “gather, together in confusion, jumble”
⚠️ᴹ√KHUS root. “up from below ground, to ground level”; see instead:
*ᴺ√EPH “emerge (especially from water, opp[osite] of dive)”
⚠️KHYĀ root. “before, in front of place”; see instead:
KHY- “other”
epe “after of time; after or behind of place”
⚠️ᴹ√KHYEL(ES) root. “glass”; see instead:
KALAK “glass”
S. heledh “glass”
⚠️ᴱ√KI root. “this by me”; see instead:
SI¹ “this, [ᴹ√] here, now”
⚠️ᴱ√KIÐI root. “cut, split”; see instead:
KIR “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; ⚠️shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly”
⚠️ᴹ√KIM root. “light on, find, come by”; see instead:
KHIR “light on, find”
KIM “edge, brink of”
⚠️KIN root. “*small”; see instead:
KIT “*small”
⚠️ᴱ√KISI root. “cut, split”; see instead:
KIR “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; ⚠️shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly”
⚠️ᴹ√KIWIK root. “*thigh”; see instead:
ᴹ✶tiukō “thigh”
⚠️ᴱ√KḶKḶ root. “gather, collect, reap”; see instead:
ᴹ√KIRIK “*reap”
⚠️ᴱ√?KḶNḶ root. “*ring”; see instead:
ÑYEL “ring(ing), [ᴹ√] sing, give out a sweet sound”
⚠️ᴱ√KḶPḶ root. “hold, contains (esp. of liquids)”; see instead:
ᴹ√KALPA “water-vessel”
⚠️ᴱ√KḶTḶ root. “tilt; fling”; see instead:
ᴹ√RIK(H) “jerk, sudden move, flirt”
⚠️ᴱ√KṆTṆ root. “make twang; play harp”; see instead:
ᴹ√ÑGAN(AD) “play (on stringed instrument)”
⚠️KOB¹ root. “gather, collect”; see instead:
KOM “gather, collect”
⚠️ᴱ√KOÐO root. “revere‽”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KOD “revere”
⚠️ᴹ√KOL root. “round, (?rim)”; see instead:
KOR “round; [ᴱ√] be round, roll”
KOL “bear, carry, wear”
⚠️ᴱ√KOLO¹ root. “to strain through”; see instead:
KOL “bear, carry, wear”
⚠️ᴱ√KOLO² root. “*point”; see instead:
KOL “bear, carry, wear”
⚠️ᴱ√KOMO root. “*ball, roll”; see instead:
KOR “round; [ᴱ√] be round, roll”
KOM “gather, collect”
⚠️ᴱ√KOPO root. “keep, guard‽”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHOP “*harbour, bay”
⚠️KOROK root. “hen”; see instead:
POROK “hen”
⚠️ᴱ√*KOTO root. “nut”; see instead:
Q. *pecco “nut”
⚠️ᴹ√KRAB root. “press”; see instead:
THAG “oppress, crush, press”
⚠️ᴱ√KṚKṚ root. “*point, bend”; see instead:
KARAK “[ᴹ√] sharp fang, spike, tooth”
⚠️ᴱ√KṚNṚ root. “*red”; see instead:
ᴹ√KARAN “red”
⚠️ᴱ√KṚPṚ root. “pluck”; see instead:
ᴹ√KARPA “?”
⚠️ᴹ√KUB¹ root. “*mound, heap”; see instead:
KUB “hide, secrete”
KHAB “heap up, pile up”
⚠️ᴹ√KUB² root. “bow”; see instead:
*√KU(H) “bow, [ᴱ√] bend”
⚠️ᴱ√KUMU root. “heap up”; see instead:
ᴹ√KUB¹ “*mound, heap”
ᴹ√KUM “void”
⚠️ᴱ√KUPU root. “hump”; see instead:
ᴹ√TUMPU “hump”
^ᴺ√LUP “hump, lump, fat”
⚠️ᴹ√KURUM root. “*left”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHYAR “left hand”
⚠️ᴱ√KUVU root. “bend, bow”; see instead:
*√KU(H) “bow, [ᴱ√] bend”
⚠️√, ᴹ√KYAB root. “taste”; see instead:
KYAW “taste, select, choose”
⚠️√, ᴹ√KYEL² root. “(come to an) end, cease, run out”; see instead:
TEL “close, end, complete, come to an end”
⚠️KYELES root. “*at rear”; see instead:
TELES “come at rear, end a line or series; [ᴹ√] hindmost, tarrier”
⚠️ᴹ√KYEN root. “see, perceive, look at, observe, direct gaze”; see instead:
KEN “see, perceive, note, [ᴹ√] look at, observe, direct gaze”
⚠️ᴱ√KYUSU root. “curdle”; see instead:
ᴺ√KYUR “curdle”
⚠️ root. “interjection of pleasure/assent”; see instead:
LA “no, not; negative; not to be”
AL(A) “good (physically), blessed, fortunate, prosperous, health(y)”
⚠️ᴹ√ root.; see instead:
LAƷ “cross, pass over, go beyond”
⚠️ᴱ√LAÐA root. “*broad”; see instead:
LAD “[ᴹ√] lie flat, be flat; ⚠️[√] bottom, ground”
⚠️ᴱ√LAHA root. “*open, extend”; see instead:
LAT¹ “open, unenclosed, free to entry, [ᴹ√] lie open; be extended, stretch, be situated (of an area); ⚠️[√] low, lowlying, at ground level”
⚠️ᴹ√LAƷ root.; see instead:
AL(A) “good (physically), blessed, fortunate, prosperous, health(y)”
LAƷ “cross, pass over, go beyond”
⚠️ᴹ√LAK¹ root. “swallow”; see instead:
LAƷ “cross, pass over, go beyond”
ᴹ√SLUK “swallow”
⚠️ᴱ√*LAKA root. “*pick (up)”; see instead:
KHOT¹ “gather, together in confusion, jumble”
LEP “pick up/out (with the fingers); finger”
⚠️ᴱ√LALA root. “*babble”; see instead:
LAL “laugh”
⚠️ᴹ√(L)ALAM root. “elm-tree”; see instead:
ALAB “elm”
⚠️ᴹ√LAP root. “*babe”; see instead:
WIN “young, [ᴹ√] new, fresh”
LAP “fold, bend, [ᴱ√] enfold”
⚠️ᴱ√LAQA root. “catch”; see instead:
ᴹ√GAT “*catch”
⚠️ᴱ√LAVA root. “lick”; see instead:
ᴹ√LAB “lick”
⚠️ᴹ√LEB root. “stay, stick, adhere, remain, tarry”; see instead:
ᴹ√LEM “stay, stick, adhere, remain, tarry”
⚠️ᴱ√LEFE¹ root. “*heart”; see instead:
^ᴺ√LEPH “liver”
⚠️ᴱ√*LEǶE root. “half; *five”; see instead:
LEPEN “five”
PER “half; [ᴹ√] divide in middle, halve”
⚠️ᴱ√‽LEKE root. “*slow; left”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHYAR “left hand”
LEK “loose, unbind, let, permit, [ᴹ√] let loose, release”
⚠️LENEP root. “five”; see instead:
LEPEN “five”
⚠️ᴹ√LEPEK root. “five”; see instead:
LEPEN “five”
⚠️ᴹ√LEPET root. “finger”; see instead:
leper “finger”
⚠️ᴱ√LESE root. “collect”; see instead:
KHOT¹ “gather, together in confusion, jumble”
KOM “gather, collect”
⚠️ᴱ√LEẆE root. “*sick”; see instead:
ᴹ√SLIW “sickly”
⚠️ᴱ√LIÐI root. “sing”; see instead:
LIR “sing, warble, [ᴹ√] trill”
LIN² “sing, make a musical sound, [ᴱ√] gentle”
⚠️ᴱ√?LIKINI root. “*curved horn”; see instead:
ROM “horn noise; [ᴹ√] loud noise”
⚠️ᴱ√*LIŊI root. “snake”; see instead:
LEWEK “worm”
⚠️ᴱ√LIPI root. “*drip, drop”; see instead:
ᴹ√LIB¹ “drip”
⚠️ᴱ√LIQI root. “flow, water; clear, transparent”; see instead:
ᴹ√LINKWI “*wet”
^ᴺ√LIKWIS “clear, transparent”
⚠️ᴱ√LIYA root. “unite many as one”; see instead:
ᴹ√SLIG “*entwine, thread; ⚠️spider”
⚠️ᴱ√ḶK/KAL root. “*glory”; see instead:
aklar(a) “radiance, brilliance, glory”
⚠️ᴱ√ḶKḶ root. “*appearance”; see instead:
ALAK “rushing, [ᴹ√] swift”
⚠️ᴱ✶lḷt- v. “to dance”; see instead:
ᴹ√LILT “dance”
⚠️ᴱ√LḶTḶ root. “dance”; see instead:
ᴹ√LILT “dance”
⚠️ᴱ√*LṆTṆ root. “*fall”; see instead:
DAT “fall down, fall to ground”
⚠️ᴹ√LOD root. “*pass, path”; see instead:
LON¹ “*haven, harbour”
⚠️ᴱ√LOÐO root. “*loud noise”; see instead:
SLON “sound, (general word for) noise”
⚠️ᴱ√LOHO root. “*flower”; see instead:
LOT(H) “flower”
⚠️ᴱ√LOMO root. “*lurk; shadow”; see instead:
DOM “dark, [ᴹ√] faint, dim”
LUB¹ “shadow, darkness”
⚠️LON² root. “(general word for) noise”; see instead:
SLON “sound, (general word for) noise”
⚠️ᴱ√LOQO root. “*run (of humans)”; see instead:
NOR “run (or leap) of animals or men; [ᴹ√] run as of wheels, roll along, [ᴱ√] go smoothly, ride, spin”
⚠️ᴱ√LOURI root. “*gold”; see instead:
(G)LAWAR “golden light”
⚠️LOW root. “flow freely (fully)”; see instead:
LOG “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy”
⚠️ᴱ√LOYO root. “*thirst, parched”; see instead:
LOY “go wrong, fail, [ᴹ√] miss, fail to go; ⚠️lack, be without”
⚠️ᴱ√ḶQḶ root. “rend”; see instead:
ᴹ√NARAK “tear, rend (tr. and intr.)”
⚠️ᴱ√ḶTḶ root. “thrust in”; see instead:
NID “will; force, press(ure), thrust; [ᴹ√] lean against”
ᴺ√TER “pierce”
⚠️LUB² root. “bend”; see instead:
(N)DUB “bending, ⚠️drooping”
⚠️ᴹ√LUG² root. “*blue”; see instead:
LUY “blue”
⚠️ᴱ√LUHU root. “*time”; see instead:
ᴹ√LU “*time”
⚠️ᴱ√LUKU root. “*slime, mud”; see instead:
LOG “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy”
LUK “haul, drag, *pull; [ᴹ√] magic, enchantment”
ᴹ√LUK “magic, enchantment”
⚠️ᴱ√*LUŊU root.; see instead:
ᴹ√LUG¹ “be heavy”
⚠️ᴹ√LUR root. “be quiet, still, calm”; see instead:
LON¹ “*haven, harbour”
⚠️ᴱ√LUSU root. “foment, cherish, warm, bathe”; see instead:
LAW “flourish (green), grow, [ᴹ√] abound; warm”
^ᴺ√SOW “wash, *bath”
ᴹ√LUS “*empty”
⚠️ᴱ√LUVU root. “*dark (weather)”; see instead:
LUB¹ “shadow, darkness”
⚠️MAB root. “lump, mass”; see instead:
MBON “*lump, mass”
⚠️ᴱ√MAɃA root. “something nice”; see instead:
^ᴺ√MAB “something nice”
⚠️√, ᴹ√MAƷ root. “handle, manage, control, wield; serve, be of use; [ᴹ√] hand”; see instead:
MAH “handle, manage, control, wield; ⚠️serve, be of use; [ᴹ√] hand; [ᴱ√] grasp”
⚠️✶, ᴹ✶maita- v. “to feed”; see instead:
matyā- “to feed”
⚠️ᴱ√MAKA² root. “*net, mesh”; see instead:
REM “entangle, snare, trap (as hunters or fishers) with lines or nets”
MAK “strike; cut, hew with a sharp edge, [ᴹ√] cleave; sword, fight (with a sword); [√] forge metal; ⚠️kill, slay”
⚠️ᴱ√MALA¹ root. “crush, squeeze, pulp”; see instead:
ᴹ√MBAL “[ᴱ√] crush, *pound; ⚠️hurt, pain, damage, give maim to”
THAG “oppress, crush, press”
⚠️ᴱ√MANGA root. “lacking”; see instead:
PEN “lack, be without, have not”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√MAS root. “knead; [ᴱ√] cook, bake”; see instead:
MBAS “bake, [ᴱ√] cook; ⚠️[ᴹ√] knead”
⚠️ᴱ√MAWA root. “‽cry, bleat”; see instead:
ᴹ√MIW¹ “whine”
⚠️ᴱ√MAẎA root. “*excessive”; see instead:
MAY “excellent, admirable, beautiful; make [art]; ⚠️suitable, useful, proper, serviceable; right”
⚠️ᴹ√MBAT(H) root. “screen, shield”; see instead:
thandā “shield”
ᴹ√TURUM “*shield”
⚠️ᴱ√MBAÞA root. “*dusk”; see instead:
ᴹ√MBOTH “*pool”
⚠️ᴱ√(M)BELEKE root. “*flame”; see instead:
MBELEK “mighty, powerful, strong; power as force or strength; ⚠️great, large”
⚠️ᴱ√M(B)ṆÐṆ root. “bind”; see instead:
ᴹ√(M)BAD “duress, prison, doom, hell; *judge”
⚠️√, ᴹ√(M)BOL root. “*labour”; see instead:
“labour, be afflicted”
⚠️ᴱ√M(B)ṚTṚ root. “chance”; see instead:
M(B)ARAT “doom, fate”
⚠️ᴱ√MEHE root. “ooze‽”; see instead:
^ᴺ√MEKH “*gore”
⚠️MELEK root. “great, mighty, powerful, strong”; see instead:
MBELEK “mighty, powerful, strong; power as force or strength; ⚠️great, large”
⚠️ᴱ√‽MEME root. “*tip”; see instead:
TIL “point, horn”
ᴹ√NEÑ “*nose”
⚠️ᴹ√MEREK root.; see instead:
ᴹ√BEREK “*sudden, fierce”
⚠️ᴱ√MĪ¹ root. “*one”; see instead:
MIN “one, first of a series; [ᴹ√] stand alone, stick out”
⚠️ᴱ√*MIKI root. “*little”; see instead:
NIK “small”
⚠️ᴱ√MILI root. “*seed”; see instead:
RED “scatter, sow”
ᴹ√MIL “*soft, gentle, weak”
⚠️ᴱ√MIMI root. “*flesh”; see instead:
SRAW “body, flesh”
⚠️ᴱ√MINI¹ root. “*small, less”; see instead:
NIK “small”
ᴹ√PIK “*tiny”
⚠️ᴱ√MIRI root. “smile”; see instead:
RAY² “smile”
MIR “precious; esteem, value”
⚠️ᴱ√MISI root. “mingere, *to urinate”; see instead:
ᴹ√MIS² “*wet”
⚠️ᴹ√MIT root. “small”; see instead:
NIK “small”
⚠️ᴱ√MḶÐḶ root. “crush, pound”; see instead:
ᴹ√MBAL “[ᴱ√] crush, *pound; ⚠️hurt, pain, damage, give maim to”
⚠️ᴱ✶mḷgo n. “*oil”; see instead:
^ᴺ√MILIG “*oil”
⚠️ᴱ√MḶKḶ root. “possess”; see instead:
MILIK “*greed, lust”
⚠️ᴱ√MṆGṆ root. “*butter”; see instead:
^ᴺ√MANGYA “butter”
⚠️ᴱ√MOKO root. “hate”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TEB “hate, dislike”
ᴹ√MBAW “compel, force, subject, oppress”
⚠️ᴱ√MṚÐṚ root. “grind”; see instead:
*√MUL “grind (fine)”
⚠️ᴱ√‽MṚKṚ root. “*juice”; see instead:
ᴹ√PIS “*juice”
⚠️ᴱ✶mtā n. “cheek”; see instead:
ankā “jaws, (animal’s) mouth, [ᴹ✶] row of teeth”
⚠️ᴱ√?MUKU² root. “*silent”; see instead:
S. dîn “silence; silent, quiet”
⚠️ᴱ√MURU root. “slumber”; see instead:
(O)LOR “[ᴹ√] sleep, [ᴱ√] doze, slumber; ⚠️[√] dream, vision”
⚠️ᴱ√NAÐA root. “*plain”; see instead:
NAD “hollow (of structures or natural features more or less concave with rising sides)”
⚠️ᴱ✶naχū́a n. “*giant”; see instead:
ᴹ√NOROTH “*giant”
⚠️ᴱ√ŊAHYA root. “hurt, grieve”; see instead:
NAY¹ “cause bitter grief or pain, [ᴹ√] lament”
⚠️ᴱ√NAQA root. “steal, take; get by stealth, unlawfully”; see instead:
ᴺ√PIL “rob”
⚠️ÑAR root. “by, beside, near”; see instead:
AS² “beside”
⚠️ᴱ√ŊARA root. “(properly) bite at”; see instead:
NAK “bite”
⚠️ᴱ√NASA root. “taste nasty”; see instead:
UG “dislike”
UK “nasty”
⚠️ᴱ√?NAWA root. “dwarf”; see instead:
NUK “dwarf, stunted”
⚠️ᴹ√NAWAK root. “*dwarf”; see instead:
NUK “dwarf, stunted”
⚠️NAY² root. “have opportunity, chance or permission; be allowed by circumstance [or] way of the world”; see instead:
NAY¹ “cause bitter grief or pain, [ᴹ√] lament”
⚠️NDA root. “long; far”; see instead:
ANAD “long; far”
⚠️NDAB² root. “to judge”; see instead:
*√NAM “judge”
⚠️ᴹ√NDAG root. “*slay”; see instead:
NDAK “slay; hew”
⚠️ᴱ√*N(D)ALA root. “ring, play”; see instead:
LIR “sing, warble, [ᴹ√] trill”
ÑYEL “ring(ing), [ᴹ√] sing, give out a sweet sound”
⚠️ᴹ√NDAR root. “sign”; see instead:
TAN² “indicate, show”
⚠️ᴹ√(N)DI root. “in”; see instead:
ndī “beneath, not touching, under”
⚠️ᴱ√?NDOÐO root. “*oak”; see instead:
ᴹ√DORON “oak”
⚠️ᴱ√NDOLO root. “delve”; see instead:
ᴹ√NDOL “*head”
⚠️ᴹ√(N)DUB root. “lay base, foundation, root; found”; see instead:
ᴹ√STUD “base, ground”
⚠️ᴱ√ṆÐṆ root. “stretch, extend”; see instead:
ANAD “long; far”
⚠️ᴱ√NEÐE root.; see instead:
NEN “water, ⚠️[ᴱ√] flow”
⚠️ᴱ√NEHE root. “*honey”; see instead:
NEG “ooze, drip; *honey”
⚠️ᴹ√ÑEL root. “friendship”; see instead:
N(D)IL “to love (as a friend or equal), be devoted to; [ᴹ√] love, devotion; friend”
⚠️ᴱ√NEME root. “*sew”; see instead:
ᴺ√THER “sew; ⚠️[ᴱ√] twine, tie, bind”
⚠️NES root. “feminity (apart from sex)”; see instead:
NETH “(young) woman, female person; sister; fresh, lively, merry; [ᴹ√] young”
⚠️ᴱ√ŊETE root. “catch, get”; see instead:
^ᴺ√Ñ(G)ET “catch, get”
⚠️(Ñ)GAY root. “gape, become wide, open, vast”; see instead:
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
⚠️ᴹ√ÑGOW root. “*thigh”; see instead:
ᴹ✶tiukō “thigh”
⚠️ÑGUL root. “dark with sinister associations”; see instead:
ÑGOL¹ “knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise”
⚠️ᴹ√NIB root. “face, front”; see instead:
NEB “turn towards (speaker), *front”
⚠️ᴹ√NID² root. “hurt, injure”; see instead:
NID “will; force, press(ure), thrust; [ᴹ√] lean against”
⚠️ᴱ√‽NINI root. “*blue”; see instead:
LUY “blue”
⚠️NIR root. “will, intention, conscious resolve to move or do”; see instead:
NID “will; force, press(ure), thrust; [ᴹ√] lean against”
⚠️ᴱ√NḶĐḶ root. “*dell”; see instead:
NAD “hollow (of structures or natural features more or less concave with rising sides)”
⚠️ᴱ√NṆGṆ root. “have a cold”; see instead:
ᴹ√NEÑ “*nose”
⚠️ᴱ√NOHO root. “extended”; see instead:
ᴹ√NDOL “*head”
⚠️ᴱ√ŊOLO root. “to know”; see instead:
ÑGOL¹ “knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise”
⚠️ᴱ√NOLO root. “dare”; see instead:
ᴹ√BER “valiant”
⚠️ᴹ√ÑO(N) root.; see instead:
ÑGAW “howl; ⚠️falsify, deform, disguise”
⚠️ᴱ✶norokā́ n. “slave, thrall, servant”; see instead:
mōl “slave, [ᴹ✶] thrall”
⚠️ᴱ√NOSO root. “*damp, wet”; see instead:
ᴹ√MIS² “*wet”
⚠️ᴱ√NO(WO) root. “ahead, in front; after of time, tomorrow”; see instead:
⚠️ᴱ√ṆQṆ¹ root. “*ear”; see instead:
SLAS “ear”
⚠️ᴱ√ṆQṆ² root.; see instead:
SLAS “ear”
⚠️ᴱ√NṚQṚ root. “to wither, fade, shrivel”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KHES “wither”
⚠️ᴱ√NṚÞṚ root. “smell sweet”; see instead:
*√NITH “smell sweet”
⚠️ᴱ√NUFU root. “*smell”; see instead:
ᴹ√NUS “sense, wisdom; *sense of smell”
⚠️ᴱ√NULU root. “‽”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KANU “*lead (metal)”
⚠️ᴱ√ŊWAÐA root. “tarry, linger”; see instead:
MBAR “settle; establish, fix, decide, determine, make a decision; dwell, [ᴹ√] inhabit, [ᴱ√] live”
⚠️ᴱ✶ŋwa·mat n. “*community, (lit.) eating-together”; see instead:
^ᴺ✶womātē “*community, (lit.) eating-together”
⚠️ᴱ√NYAÐA root. “relate, tell”; see instead:
ᴹ√NYAR “tell, relate”
⚠️ᴱ√NYEHE root. “weep”; see instead:
ᴹ√NEY “tear”
⚠️ᴱ√NYE(NE) root. “bleat”; see instead:
ᴹ√NEY “tear”
⚠️ᴱ√Ō root. “be, exist”; see instead:
“be, exist”
⚠️ᴱ✶ suf.; see instead:
“from, coming from, as described by a genitive”
⚠️ᴱ√OÐO root. “*dawn”; see instead:
RŌ/ORO “up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount; [ᴹ√] high, [ᴱ√] steepness, rising”
⚠️ᴱ√OHO² root. “cry”; see instead:
KHOL² “crow, cry aloud”
OM “of resonant sounds”
⚠️ᴱ√OLO¹ root. “tip”; see instead:
TIL “point, horn”
⚠️ᴱ√OLO² root. “*increase, more”; see instead:
OL “[ᴹ√] grow [into]; *become”
ᴹ✶lai- “*many”
⚠️ᴱ√OLO³ root. “*dream”; see instead:
OLOS “dream, vision, fantasy; ⚠️[ᴹ√] sleep”
⚠️ᴹ✶ōmata- v. “to eat away, devour, corrode”; see instead:
aumata- “to eat away, corrode”
⚠️ᴱ√OMO root. “all, every”; see instead:
IL “all”
⚠️ᴱ√OŊO root. “*pain”; see instead:
ᴹ√NAYAK “pain”
⚠️ᴱ√’O’O root. “*sea”; see instead:
GAY(AR) “awe, dread; astound, make aghast; sea”
⚠️ᴱ√‽OQO root. “curve, bend”; see instead:
!ᴺ✶okkā “knee”
⚠️ᴱ√ORO² root. “*sow”; see instead:
RED “scatter, sow”
⚠️√, ᴹ√OROK root. “anything that caused fear or horror”; see instead:
RUK “terrible shapes and the fear they inspire, [ᴹ√] demon”
⚠️OS root. “making a hissing foaming noise”; see instead:
Val. Oš(o)šai “spuming, foaming”
ᴹ√OS “round, about”
⚠️ᴱ√OSO¹ root. “‽”; see instead:
LIM “link, join”
⚠️ᴱ√OTO root. “knock”; see instead:
ᴹ√TON “tap, knock”
⚠️√, ᴹ✶OWO root. “masculine”; see instead:
N(D)ER “male (person), man”
⚠️ᴱ✶OWO n. “*wool”; see instead:
ᴹ√TOW “*wool”
⚠️ᴱ√OYO root. “*poor”; see instead:
PEN “lack, be without, have not”
OY “ever, continual, unceasing”
⚠️ᴱ√OẎO root. “salve, rub, oil”; see instead:
ᴹ√(G)LIB “*ointment”
OY “ever, continual, unceasing”
⚠️ᴱ√*PAÐA root. “*peel”; see instead:
PAR² “peel, *bare”
⚠️ᴱ√PAKA root. “*pavement”; see instead:
PAK “close, shut”
⚠️ᴹ√PAL² root. “beat”; see instead:
ᴹ√PALAP “*beat”
PAL “wide, broad, extended; [ᴹ√] wide (open); [ᴱ√] flatness”
⚠️ᴱ√PALAS root. “*foam, splash”; see instead:
ᴹ√SPAL(AS) “*foam”
⚠️ᴹ√PAS root. “*juice”; see instead:
ᴹ√SAB “juice”
⚠️ᴹ√PEG root. “(?outer) mouth”; see instead:
PEÑ “*lip, mouth”
⚠️ᴱ✶peia n. “scorn”; see instead:
ᴹ√YAY “mock”
⚠️ᴱ√PELE² root. “*revolve”; see instead:
ᴹ√TELEK “stalk, stem, leg”
KWER “revolve, [ᴱ√] turn”
⚠️ᴱ✶pelesa n. “fence”; see instead:
peles “fence, enclosure”
⚠️ᴱ√PENE root. “*through”; see instead:
ᴹ√TER “pierce”
⚠️ᴹ√PEN(ED) root. “*hillside, slope”; see instead:
PED “slope, slant down”
⚠️ᴱ√PERE root. “*endure”; see instead:
PER “half; [ᴹ√] divide in middle, halve”
ᴹ√BOR(ON) “endure”
⚠️ᴱ√PETE root. “*knock, hammer”; see instead:
TAM “construct; [ᴹ√] knock, [ᴱ√] beat; smelt, forge”
ᴹ√(N)DAM “hammer, beat”
⚠️PEY root. “*little”; see instead:
NIK “small”
ᴹ√PIK “*tiny”
⚠️PHĀ/APHA root. “before of time”; see instead:
⚠️ᴹ√PHARAN root.; see instead:
ᴹ√PHAS “*tangle, shag, fringe”
⚠️ᴹ√PHEG root. “inner part, pith, core; of person, (?inner spirit)”; see instead:
PHAY “spirit; [ᴹ√] radiate, send out rays of light”
⚠️PHELEK root. “*cave”; see instead:
*√PHELEG “*excavation; ⚠️[ᴹ√] cave”
⚠️ᴹ√PHELEK root. “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak”; see instead:
RAS “horn; [ᴹ√] stick up”
⚠️PHELES root. “*cave”; see instead:
*√PHELEG “*excavation; ⚠️[ᴹ√] cave”
⚠️PHĪ root. “skill, dexterity”; see instead:
PHIN¹ “clever, skillful; neat, fine, delicate; skill, dexterity, [ᴹ√] nimbleness”
⚠️PHILIG root. “*cave”; see instead:
*√PHELEG “*excavation; ⚠️[ᴹ√] cave”
⚠️PHIN² root. “hair”; see instead:
SPIN(ID) “fine thread, filament; hair”
⚠️ᴱ√PILI² root. “*feather; arrow”; see instead:
ᴹ√PILIN “*arrow”
ᴹ√KWES “*feather”
⚠️ᴱ√PIQI root. “*bitter”; see instead:
ᴹ√SAG “*bitter, ⚠️poison”
⚠️ᴹ√PITH root. “spit”; see instead:
ᴹ√PIW “spit”
⚠️ᴱ√PIẆI root. “*fat”; see instead:
ᴹ√TIW “fat, thick”
ᴹ√PIW “spit”
⚠️ᴱ√PḶQḶ root. “*juice”; see instead:
ᴹ√PIS “*juice”
⚠️ᴱ√PḶTYḶ root. “*strike, flat of hand”; see instead:
PAL “wide, broad, extended; [ᴹ√] wide (open); [ᴱ√] flatness”
⚠️ᴱ√PṆTṆ root. “open, spread out, show”; see instead:
ᴹ√PAT “[ᴱ√] open, wide, spreading”
⚠️ᴱ√PO root. “‽”; see instead:
ᴹ√PHOR “right-hand”
⚠️ᴱ√POL-I root. “‽”; see instead:
POL “can, have physical power and ability; large, big (strong); [ᴹ√] physically strong, [ᴱ√] have stength; [√] ⚠️pound up, break up small, reduce to powder”
⚠️ᴱ✶pṣt- v. “spit”; see instead:
ᴹ√PIW “spit”
⚠️ᴱ√PUÐU root. “consume by fire”; see instead:
RUY “blaze (red)”
⚠️ᴱ√PU(HU) root. “generate”; see instead:
^ᴺ√PUK “sex”
⚠️ᴱ√PUMU root. “*bubble”; see instead:
^ᴺ√WEL “*boil, bubble”
⚠️ᴱ√PUSU root. “puff, blow, puff out, make swell”; see instead:
ᴹ√SWES “noise of blowing or breathing”
⚠️ᴱ√‽QAHA root.; see instead:
*√KAWAK “*caw, croak”
⚠️ᴱ√QEL+U root. “*well up”; see instead:
KEL “flow (down or away), run (of water or rivers), go away, [ᴹ√] run away especially downwards or at end; ⚠️[ᴱ√] ooze, trickle”
⚠️ᴱ√QIÐI root. “*stir, spin”; see instead:
KWER “revolve, [ᴱ√] turn”
ᴺ√KWIR “stir, spin”
⚠️ᴱ√QIMI root. “*woman”; see instead:
WEN(ED) “maiden, girl, virgin; ⚠️woman”
⚠️ᴱ√QINGI root. “*bow”; see instead:
ᴹ√KWIG “*bow (for shooting); ?shoot”
⚠️ᴱ√QIPI root. “*awaken”; see instead:
KUY “awake; ⚠️live, [ᴹ√] come to life”
GWAL “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
⚠️ᴱ√QISI root. “*whisper”; see instead:
ᴹ√SLUS “whisper”
⚠️ᴱ√QITYI root. “*knit”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KWIT “knit”
⚠️ᴱ√QIVI root. “*awake”; see instead:
KUY “awake; ⚠️live, [ᴹ√] come to life”
⚠️ᴱ√QḶÐḶ root. “*quiet”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KWILID “quiet”
⚠️ᴱ√QḶTḶ root. “*belt, girdle”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KWILIT “belt, girdle”
⚠️ᴱ√QṆTṆ root. “*fill; full”; see instead:
KWAT “fill; full”
⚠️ᴱ√*QOÐO root. “*choke, suffocate, drown”; see instead:
^ᴺ√KWOD “*choke, suffocate, drown”
⚠️ᴱ√QOTO root.; see instead:
NOT “count, reckon”
⚠️ᴱ√QṚÐṚ root. “*wicked, evil”; see instead:
SRUG “*evil, wicked”
OKO “evil, wicked, bad”
UK “nasty”
⚠️ᴱ√RAÐA root. “*peel”; see instead:
ᴹ√SKEL “*strip”
RAD “[ᴹ√] back, return”
⚠️ᴹ√RAG root. “*crooked”; see instead:
SRAG “awkward, awry; hard, (very) difficult”
⚠️ᴱ√RAHA root. “stretch forward”; see instead:
ᴹ√RAK “stretch out, reach”
⚠️ᴱ√RAMA root. “*shout”; see instead:
KAN “cry aloud; (Q. only) command; lead, rule; ⚠️[ᴹ√] dare”
ROM “horn noise; [ᴹ√] loud noise”
ᴹ√RAM “*wing, fly”
⚠️√, ᴹ√RAP root. “climb”; see instead:
RET “climb”
⚠️ᴱ√RAPA root. “drag, pull”; see instead:
^ᴺ√(D)RAP “toil”
LUK “haul, drag, *pull; [ᴹ√] magic, enchantment”
⚠️RAT² root. “tower up”; see instead:
ARAT “good, excellent, noble”
⚠️ᴱ√RAÞA root. “*arch, bridge”; see instead:
Q. yanta “bridge”
S. iant “bridge”
⚠️ᴹ√RAUTA root. “metal”; see instead:
ᴹ√TINKŌ “metal”
⚠️ᴱ√RAVA root. “*hunt”; see instead:
SPAR “hunt, ⚠️[ᴹ√] pursue”
ᴹ√RAW “*roar”
⚠️ᴱ✶rawa n. “a wild beast”; see instead:
rāw “lion”
⚠️REB root. “entangle, snare, trap”; see instead:
REM “entangle, snare, trap (as hunters or fishers) with lines or nets”
⚠️ᴱ√REÐE root. “kinsman”; see instead:
^ᴺ√RE(N)D “kinsman, *cousin”
⚠️RES root. “remain in same place”; see instead:
RETH “remain in same place”
⚠️ᴱ√RETYE root. “*spit”; see instead:
ᴺ√K(E)REK “*spit [noun]”
⚠️ᴱ√REÞE root. “aid, support”; see instead:
REK “recover, get out/away, save from ruin/peril/loss”
^ᴺ√(G)RETH “aid, support”
⚠️ᴱ√?RILI root. “*circle, ring”; see instead:
KOR “round; [ᴱ√] be round, roll”
RIL “brilliant (light), brilliance, [ᴹ√] glitter”
⚠️ᴱ√RIMI root. “*border”; see instead:
(G)LAN “rim, edge, border, boundary”
ᴹ√(S)RI “*edge, border”
ᴹ√REG “edge, border, margin”
ᴹ√RIM “abound; large number”
⚠️√‽RIT root. “to complete a work or design”; see instead:
SRIT “to complete a work or design”
⚠️ROB root. “astray, wandering, unsettled”; see instead:
RAB “astray, wandering, unsettled”
⚠️RON¹ root. “arch over, roof in”; see instead:
ᴹ√ROD “roof, cave”
⚠️ᴹ√ROS² root. “*plain”; see instead:
LAT¹ “open, unenclosed, free to entry, [ᴹ√] lie open; be extended, stretch, be situated (of an area); ⚠️[√] low, lowlying, at ground level”
ROS “spindrift, spray; [ᴹ√] distil, drip”
⚠️ᴹ√ROY² root. “ruddy, red”; see instead:
RUY “blaze (red)”
⚠️ᴱ√ṚTYṚ root. “peck, prick”; see instead:
^ᴺ√IRIT “peck, prick”
⚠️ᴹ√RUK² root. “pluck”; see instead:
RUK “terrible shapes and the fear they inspire, [ᴹ√] demon”
⚠️ᴱ√RUKU root. “smoke, reek”; see instead:
USUK “*reek, smoke; ⚠️dusk, evening”
RUK “terrible shapes and the fear they inspire, [ᴹ√] demon”
⚠️RUN¹ root. “red, glowing”; see instead:
RUY “blaze (red)”
⚠️ᴹ√RUS root. “flash, glitter of metal”; see instead:
RUS “brownish red”
⚠️ᴱ√RU’U root. “‽”; see instead:
^ᴺ√RUH “*still”
⚠️ᴱ√RUVU root. “burst asunder”; see instead:
^ᴺ√RUB “burst asunder”
⚠️ᴱ√?RUYU root. “*fierce”; see instead:
RUTH “anger, rage, wrath”
RUY “blaze (red)”
⚠️ᴹ√S root. “demonstrative stem”; see instead:
se “he, she, it, 3rd person singular pronoun”
sa “3 sg. neuter [it], the thing, impersonal; this by me, [ᴱ√] demonstrative”
⚠️ᴱ√SAH(Y)A root. “be hot”; see instead:
UR “heat, be hot”
⚠️SAK root. “draw, pull”; see instead:
THAG “oppress, crush, press”
LUK “haul, drag, *pull; [ᴹ√] magic, enchantment”
ᴹ√TUK “draw, bring”
⚠️ᴱ√SAKA root. “*search”; see instead:
KETH “enquire of, question, examine something”
⚠️√, ᴱ√SAL root. “*harp(ing), lyre”; see instead:
ᴹ√ÑGAN(AD) “play (on stringed instrument)”
⚠️SAM² root. “mind, think, reflect, be aware”; see instead:
SAN “think, use mind; (trans.) ponder, consider in thought”
SAM¹ “have; [ᴹ√] unite, join”
⚠️ᴱ√SAMA root. “*chamber; arrange”; see instead:
ᴹ√STAB “*wood”
⚠️ᴱ√SAŊA root. “pack tight, press”; see instead:
THAG “oppress, crush, press”
⚠️ᴱ√SARA¹ root. “*saw”; see instead:
THAR¹ “[ᴹ√] across, beyond”
⚠️ᴱ√?SARA² root. “*surf”; see instead:
SAR “score, incise; [extended sense] write; [ᴹ√] *stone”
PHAL “foam, splash”
⚠️ᴱ√?SATA root. “value”; see instead:
SAT “space, place; divide, apportion, mark off”
SAT(AR) “faithful, trust, loyal, rely, steadfast”
⚠️SATH root. “pair”; see instead:
YU “both, [ᴹ√] two”
⚠️SAW root. “disgusting, foul, vile; bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”; see instead:
THAW “cruel; ⚠️stink”
⚠️ᴱ√SAW̯A root. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
SAW “disgusting, foul, vile; bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”
⚠️ᴱ√SAẎA root. “hunger”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SAYAK “hunger”
⚠️ᴱ√SAYAPA root. “*shoe”; see instead:
^ᴺ√S(A)YAP “*shoe”
⚠️ᴱ√SAẆA root. “*dog”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHUG “bark, bay”
SAW “disgusting, foul, vile; bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”
⚠️ᴹ✶skyapat- n. “shoe”; see instead:
^ᴺ✶khyapat- “shoe”
⚠️ᴱ√ root. “‽”; see instead:
“as, like”
⚠️ᴱ√#SEKE root. “mid”; see instead:
ENED “centre, middle; ⚠️three”
⚠️ᴱ√SELE root. “*bright”; see instead:
SIL “shine (white or silver)”
⚠️√, ᴱ√SER root. “sew; [ᴱ√] twine, tie, bind”; see instead:
ᴺ√THER “sew; ⚠️[ᴱ√] twine, tie, bind”
⚠️ᴱ√SIÐI root. “flow”; see instead:
SIR “flow”
⚠️ᴱ√SINI root. “pale blue‽”; see instead:
sinki “*mineral”
⚠️ᴱ√SIPI root. “whistle, pipe”; see instead:
^ᴺ√THIP “whistle, pipe”
⚠️ᴱ√SIRIPI root. “*stalk”; see instead:
^ᴺ√THIRIP “stalk”
⚠️ᴹ√SIS root. “hiss”; see instead:
ᴹ√SUS “hiss”
⚠️ᴹ√SKAR² root. “?stop, end; limit, marge”; see instead:
ᴹ√SKAR¹ “tear, rend”
⚠️ᴹ√SKWAR root. “crooked”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SWAR “crooked”
⚠️ᴹ√SKYAP root. “*shoe”; see instead:
^ᴺ√S(A)YAP “*shoe”
⚠️ᴱ√SḶKḶ¹ root. “*grass, mow”; see instead:
#ᴹ√SALAK “*grass”
⚠️ᴱ√SḶKḶ² root. “rich, lush”; see instead:
ᴹ√LAR “rich, fat”
⚠️SLOUN root. “*descend”; see instead:
LOG “wet (and soft), soaked, swampy”
⚠️ᴱ√SḶPḶ root. “*lick up”; see instead:
ᴹ√SALAP “lick up, *sip”
⚠️ᴱ√SḶTḶ root. “*sift”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SILIT “sift”
⚠️ᴹ√SMAL root. “yellow”; see instead:
MAL “yellow, gold”
⚠️ᴹ√SNAS root. “*gore, triangle”; see instead:
NEK¹ “narrow; *angular, sharp”
⚠️ᴱ√SṆKṆ root. “rend, tear”; see instead:
ᴹ√NARAK “tear, rend (tr. and intr.)”
⚠️ᴱ√SṆTṆ root. “esteem”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SINIT “esteem”
⚠️ᴱ√SṆTYṆ root. “twinkle”; see instead:
TIN “sparkle, spark, [ᴱ√] twinkle, [ᴹ√] emit slender (silver pale) beams”
⚠️ᴱ√ root. “*together”; see instead:
“together (plural)”
⚠️ᴹ√SON root. “love, befriend, cherish”; see instead:
ᴹ√SER “love, be fond of (of liking, friendship)”
⚠️ᴱ√ŠORO root.; see instead:
ᴹ√THOR(ON) “come swooping down”
⚠️ᴱ√SOVO root. “wash”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SOW “wash, *bath”
⚠️√, ᴹ√SPAN root. “cover, veil, cloak, conceal; [ᴹ√] white”; see instead:
PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision”
⚠️ᴱ√‽ṢQṢ root. “*fog, mist”; see instead:
USUK “*reek, smoke; ⚠️dusk, evening”
⚠️SRAY root. “easy, pliant, moving with ease”; see instead:
SRAG “awkward, awry; hard, (very) difficult”
⚠️SRITH root. “snow”; see instead:
SRIS “snow”
⚠️ᴹ√SRUS root. “whisper”; see instead:
ᴹ√SLUS “whisper”
⚠️ᴱ✶sṣt- v. “*hiss”; see instead:
ᴹ√SUS “hiss”
⚠️ᴱ√SṢTYṢ root. “‽”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SISTI “‽”
⚠️ᴹ√STAG root. “press, compress”; see instead:
THAG “oppress, crush, press”
⚠️√, ᴹ√STIN root. “grey”; see instead:
THIN “*grey”
⚠️ᴹ√STINTĀ root. “short”; see instead:
STEN “cut short, limit, confine, cramp”
⚠️ᴹ√SUD root. “base, ground”; see instead:
ᴹ√STUD “base, ground”
⚠️ᴹ√SUG root. “drink”; see instead:
SOK “drink, gulp, quaff, drain”
⚠️ᴱ√SUHYU root. “air, breath, exhale, puff”; see instead:
“blow, move with audible sound (of air)”
⚠️ᴱ√SUKU¹ root. “*resin, gum”; see instead:
^ᴺ√THUK “resin, gum”
⚠️ᴱ√SUKU² root. “*sweet”; see instead:
LIS “[ᴱ√] sweetness, [ᴹ√] honey”
⚠️ᴱ√SULU root. “*support”; see instead:
ᴹ√TULUK “*support, prop; steady, firm”
⚠️ᴱ√SUQU root. “*descend”; see instead:
NDU “down, under, below; sink, descend, go down, [ᴹ√] set (of Sun)”
⚠️SYAR root. “score, incise; write”; see instead:
SAR “score, incise; [extended sense] write; [ᴹ√] *stone”
⚠️ᴱ√TAÐA root. “*hedge, fence, enclosure”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TAD “enclosure”
⚠️ᴹ√TAL² root. “appraise, esteem, value”; see instead:
^ᴺ√SINIT “esteem”
⚠️ᴱ√TAŊA root. “touch, be next to”; see instead:
PĀ/APA “touch; after, behind of place”
AS² “beside”
⚠️ᴱ√TANA root. “*fire, kindle”; see instead:
THAN “kindle, set light to, fire, light”
⚠️ᴺ√*TANAT root. “harp”; see instead:
ᴹ√ÑGAN(AD) “play (on stringed instrument)”
⚠️ᴱ√TAPA root. “*taper, stretch out”; see instead:
TAY “stretch, [ᴹ√] extend, make long(er); ⚠️[√] mark, line, limit”
ᴹ√TAP “stop”
⚠️ᴱ√TAQA root. “fashion”; see instead:
TAK “fasten, fix, [ᴹ√] make fast; [ᴱ√] stick (in), firm; ⚠️[ᴹ√] make”
KAT “shape, [ᴹ√] make”
⚠️ᴱ√TARA¹ root. “*across”; see instead:
THAR¹ “[ᴹ√] across, beyond”
LAƷ “cross, pass over, go beyond”
⚠️ᴱ√TARA² root. “*horn”; see instead:
ᴹ√TARAK “horn (of animals)”
⚠️ᴹ√TARAK root. “horn (of animals)”; see instead:
RAS “horn; [ᴹ√] stick up”
⚠️ᴱ√TARA(MA) root. “to batter, thud, beat”; see instead:
ᴹ√DARAM “beat, hew; [ᴱ√] batter, thud”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√TAS root. “*fringe”; see instead:
!ᴺ√TATH “fringe”
⚠️ᴹ✶tatharē n. “willow-tree”; see instead:
tathari “*willow”
⚠️ᴱ√TAÞA root. “count”; see instead:
NOT “count, reckon”
⚠️ᴱ√TAVA root. “beam”; see instead:
TAW “wood”
⚠️ᴱ√TAW̯A root. “*base”; see instead:
TALAM “flat space, [ᴹ√] floor, ground; base, root, foundation”
TAW “wood”
⚠️ᴱ√TEÐE root. “pierce, boring”; see instead:
ᴺ√TER “pierce”
⚠️ᴱ√TEFE root. “*hate, dislike”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TEB “hate, dislike”
⚠️ᴱ√TEHE root. “‽pull”; see instead:
TEG “line”
⚠️ᴱ√TEL+U root. “to finish, close, end, complete”; see instead:
TEL “close, end, complete, come to an end”
TELU “roof in, put the crown on a building”
⚠️ᴱ√TELE root. “cover in; close; finish”; see instead:
TELU “roof in, put the crown on a building”
TEL “close, end, complete, come to an end”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ✶TELED root. “*hindmost”; see instead:
TELES “come at rear, end a line or series; [ᴹ√] hindmost, tarrier”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√TELEP root. “silver”; see instead:
KYELEP “silver”
⚠️TELER root. “tribal name”; see instead:
TELES “come at rear, end a line or series; [ᴹ√] hindmost, tarrier”
⚠️ᴱ√TEME root. “tie”; see instead:
ᴹ√NUT “tie, bind”
⚠️ᴹ√TEÑ root. “line, direction”; see instead:
TEG “line”
⚠️ᴱ√TENE root. “touch, feel”; see instead:
PĀ/APA “touch; after, behind of place”
LEP “pick up/out (with the fingers); finger”
TEN “direction; point (toward); end (in sense of point aimed at)”
⚠️ᴱ√TETE root. “bud, blossom”; see instead:
TUY “sprout, bud”
⚠️TEW root. “show, sign, indicate”; see instead:
TEÑ “indicate, signify, show, represent, betoken, mark, to point at; ⚠️[ᴱ√] know, understand”
⚠️ᴹ√THA root. “forward”; see instead:
THĀ/ATHA “ease, comfort, heal; be helpful; be willing to assist (in any work, etc.), agree, consent; ⚠️[ᴹ√] forward”
⚠️ᴹ√THAR² root. “stand”; see instead:
TAR “stand”
THAR¹ “[ᴹ√] across, beyond”
⚠️thas- v. “to wash”; see instead:
swal- “to wash”
⚠️ᴱ√*THASA root. “shave”; see instead:
^ᴺ√THATH “shave”
⚠️THOR root. “steadfast”; see instead:
STOR “steadfast”
⚠️THOW root. “stink”; see instead:
THAW “cruel; ⚠️stink”
⚠️ᴱ√*TIÐI root. “‽stick up”; see instead:
TOL “stick up or out, stand up (out and above neighboring things), raise the head”
⚠️TIG root. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
ᴹ√TING “ting (onomatopoeic)”
⚠️ᴱ√TILI¹ root. “*shine (blue)”; see instead:
SIL “shine (white or silver)”
TIL “point, horn”
⚠️ᴱ√TIPI root. “*spray”; see instead:
ROS “spindrift, spray; [ᴹ√] distil, drip”
⚠️ᴱ√TḶDḶ root. “*cover”; see instead:
TUP “cover over, hide”
⚠️ᴱ√TḶPḶ root. “*support, prop”; see instead:
ᴹ√TULUK “*support, prop; steady, firm”
⚠️ᴱ√TḶTḶ root. “*slope”; see instead:
TALAT “to slip (down), collapse, fall in ruin; slipping, sliding, falling down; ground (bottom); [ᴹ√] slide down, incline, slope, lean, tip, topple over”
⚠️ᴱ√TṆQṆ root. “*hear”; see instead:
LAS² “listen”
⚠️ᴱ√TṆTṆ root. “*bounce”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TANTA “bounce”
⚠️TŌ/OTO root. “back”; see instead:
KHAN² “back”
⚠️ᴱ✶togō n. “wool”; see instead:
ᴹ√TOW “*wool”
⚠️ᴹ√TOL¹-OTH/OT root. “eight”; see instead:
TOLOD “eight”
⚠️TOLOT root. “eight”; see instead:
TOLOD “eight”
⚠️ᴱ√TOŊO root. “to hammer”; see instead:
ᴹ√(N)DAM “hammer, beat”
ᴹ√TON “tap, knock”
⚠️ᴱ√TOQO root. “bear fruit, bear, bring forth, produce”; see instead:
ᴹ√YAB “fruit”
⚠️ᴱ√TORO root. “*bake”; see instead:
UR “heat, be hot”
MBAS “bake, [ᴱ√] cook; ⚠️[ᴹ√] knead”
⚠️ᴹ√TOT root. “repeat”; see instead:
EN “again, once more, go on doing; further, beyond; [ᴹ√] yonder, over there”
⚠️ᴱ√TṚKṚ root. “*root”; see instead:
ᴹ√STUD “base, ground”
⚠️ᴱ√TṚQṚ root. “*to dry (food), preserve”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TARKWA “to dry (food), preserve”
⚠️ᴱ√TṚTYṚ root. “*part”; see instead:
SAT “space, place; divide, apportion, mark off”
⚠️ᴱ√‽TUAKK root. “*axe”; see instead:
ᴺ√PELEK “axe”
⚠️ᴱ√TUÐU root. “kindle”; see instead:
ᴺ√TUD “*firewood, kindling”
⚠️ᴱ√TUKU root. “*search, find”; see instead:
KETH “enquire of, question, examine something”
KHIR “light on, find”
ᴹ√TUK “draw, bring”
⚠️ᴱ√TUM(B)U root. “‽”; see instead:
ᴹ√TUB “to fall low[?], go down (below normal ground level), (esp.) to go down (sink, dive) into water”
⚠️ᴱ√TUMU root. “‽swell (with idea of hollowness)”; see instead:
ᴹ√TUMPU “hump”
⚠️ᴱ√TUN+TƎ root. “*see, notice, perceive”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TUNTU “*notice, perceive”
⚠️ᴹ√TUNG root. “ting (onomatopoeic)”; see instead:
ᴹ√TING “ting (onomatopoeic)”
⚠️ᴱ√TUVU root. “*receive”; see instead:
KAB “hold, contain, retain, possess, have in hand; [ᴹ√] hollow”
ᴹ√TUB “to fall low[?], go down (below normal ground level), (esp.) to go down (sink, dive) into water”
⚠️ᴱ√TYAKA root. “hew”; see instead:
MAK “strike; cut, hew with a sharp edge, [ᴹ√] cleave; sword, fight (with a sword); [√] forge metal; ⚠️kill, slay”
ᴹ√SYAD¹ “shear through, cleave (through)”
⚠️ᴱ√TYASA root. “taste, try, choose, test, select”; see instead:
^ᴺ√TYATH “test, try [out], ⚠️choose, select, taste”
⚠️ᴱ√TYAVA root. “to savour, taste”; see instead:
KYAW “taste, select, choose”
⚠️ᴱ√TYU root.; see instead:
ᴹ√TIW “fat, thick”
⚠️ᴱ√TYURU root. “curdle”; see instead:
ᴺ√KYUR “curdle”
⚠️ᴱ√*ÞARA root. “*saw”; see instead:
THAR¹ “[ᴹ√] across, beyond”
⚠️ᴱ√ÞEHE root. “*see”; see instead:
KEN “see, perceive, note, [ᴹ√] look at, observe, direct gaze”
KHEN “base of eye-words; ⚠️[ᴹ√] look at, see, observe, direct gaze”
⚠️ᴱ√*ÞISI root. “singe, etc.”; see instead:
^ᴺ√THITH “singe, etc.”
⚠️ᴱ√ÞḶÐḶ root. “*slender”; see instead:
ᴹ√SLIN “*fine, delicate”
⚠️ᴱ√ÞOLO root. “*surf”; see instead:
ᴹ√SOL “*surf”
⚠️ᴱ√Ū¹ root. “under”; see instead:
NŪ/UNU “down, under; go down, sink”
⚠️ᴹ√UB¹ root. “abound”; see instead:
UM “abound; teem, throng; large [in quantity]”
⚠️ᴱ√ULU² root. “*negative”; see instead:
Ū “denial of fact, privation, negative element, [ᴱ√] not”
⚠️ᴱ√ULUKU root. “wolf”; see instead:
ᴹ√DARAK “*wolf”
⚠️ᴱ√ULUN(T) root. “*camel”; see instead:
^ᴺ√LUP “hump, lump, fat”
⚠️ᴹ√UÑG root. “*gloom”; see instead:
UÑG “spider”
⚠️ᴱ√UQU root. “wet”; see instead:
ᴹ√LINKWI “*wet”
ᴹ√MISIK “*wet”
⚠️ᴹ√UR² root. “wide, large, great”; see instead:
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
PAL “wide, broad, extended; [ᴹ√] wide (open); [ᴱ√] flatness”
UR “heat, be hot”
⚠️URUN root. “copper”; see instead:
RUS “brownish red”
Q. urus “copper”
S. rust “copper”
⚠️ᴱ√USU root. “get out, escape”; see instead:
^ᴺ√UTH “get out, escape”
⚠️ᴱ√UVU root. “*negative”; see instead:
UMU “not, expressing privation; [ᴹ√] negative stems”
⚠️ᴹ√VAG root. “stain, soil”; see instead:
ᴹ√WAƷ “stain, soil”
⚠️ᴱ√VAHA root. “*depart, travel”; see instead:
ᴹ√WAN “depart, go away, disappear, vanish”
WĀ/AWA “away (from); go (away), depart, pass away, move (from speaker); before (of time), ago; [ᴹ√] forth, out”
⚠️ᴱ√VAKA root. “*trade”; see instead:
ᴹ√MBAKH “exchange”
⚠️ᴱ√VANA root. “*beauty”; see instead:
BAN “beauty (due to lack of fault or blemish); fair, beautiful”
⚠️ᴱ√VASA root. “*wing”; see instead:
ᴹ√RAM “*wing, fly”
⚠️ᴱ√VAẎA root. “enfold, wind about”; see instead:
ᴹ√WAY “enfold”
⚠️ᴱ√*VEÐE root.; see instead:
ᴺ√BES “to wed”
⚠️ᴱ√VELU root. “unroll”; see instead:
^ᴺ√BELU “unroll”
⚠️ᴱ√VENE root. “shape, cut out, scoop”; see instead:
KAT “shape, [ᴹ√] make”
ᴹ√BEN “corner (from inside), angle from inside”
⚠️ᴱ√VETE root. “*chin”; see instead:
^ᴺ√BENET “chin”
⚠️ᴱ√ root. “as”; see instead:
“as, like”
⚠️ᴱ√VIKI root. “*sticky”; see instead:
^ᴺ√THUK “resin, gum”
⚠️ᴱ√VILI root. “*air”; see instead:
ᴹ√WIL “fly, float in air”
⚠️ᴱ√VITI root. “*juice, sap”; see instead:
ᴹ√PIS “*juice”
⚠️ᴱ√VḶÐḶ root. “*worth, value”; see instead:
^ᴺ√BALAD “worth, value”
⚠️ᴱ√VḶKḶ root. “‽”; see instead:
ᴹ√NAYAK “pain”
MIK “pierce”
⚠️ᴱ√*VO(NO) root. “son”; see instead:
YON¹ “son”
⚠️ᴱ√VŌRI root. “fur”; see instead:
ᴹ√SKEL “*strip”
⚠️ᴱ√VORO root. “*ever, always”; see instead:
ᴹ√BOR(ON) “endure”
⚠️ᴱ√VṚÐṚ root. “*rule”; see instead:
BARAD “lofty, high, height combined with strength/size/majesty”
⚠️ᴱ√VṚKṚ root. “*fear”; see instead:
THOS “frighten, terrify; show dread of”
ÑGOR “dread, terror, fear, horror”
⚠️ᴱ√VṚTṚ root. “*change”; see instead:
WIS “change, alter(nate), shift”
⚠️ᴱ√VṚTYṚ root. “serve”; see instead:
(N)DUR “to show special interest in things; [ᴹ√] bow down, bend (low), obey, serve; ⚠️grow/be dark”
ᴹ√BEW “follow, serve”
⚠️WAL root. “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”; see instead:
GWAL “be stirred, excited; emotion, movement of feelings”
⚠️ᴱ√*WALA root. “fortune, happiness; *power”; see instead:
BAL “power; powerful, mighty; have power”
⚠️ᴱ√WARA root. “care for, guard, watch (over)”; see instead:
TIR “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at; [ᴹ√] guard”
⚠️ᴱ√?WASA root. “juice”; see instead:
ᴹ√SAB “juice”
⚠️WER root. “twine, weave”; see instead:
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
⚠️ᴹ√WEY root. “wind, weave”; see instead:
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
⚠️WIG root. “weaving with cross-threads or withes”; see instead:
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
⚠️ᴱ√WIRI root. “*look”; see instead:
TIR “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at; [ᴹ√] guard”
WIR “weave, twine, weaving with cross-threads or withes”
⚠️WOR root. “express, cause to exude (by pressure)”; see instead:
Val. mirub “wine”
⚠️ᴱ√YA¹ root. “*and”; see instead:
AS² “beside”
⚠️ᴱ√YAÐA root. “*gloom”; see instead:
LUB¹ “shadow, darkness”
⚠️ᴱ√ẎAKA root. “a head of cattle”; see instead:
^ᴺ√GYAK “cattle”
⚠️ᴱ√ẎALA root. “ring, sound hollow”; see instead:
ÑYEL “ring(ing), [ᴹ√] sing, give out a sweet sound”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√YAM root. “cry, [ᴱ√] *call, shout”; see instead:
ᴹ√YAL “cry, *call”
⚠️ᴹ√YAN¹ root. “*holy”; see instead:
AYA(N) “blessed; treat with awe/reverence; [ᴱ√] honour, revere”
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
⚠️ᴹ√‽YAN² root. “give”; see instead:
antā- “to give, cause a thing/person to go to an object, send, [ᴹ✶] present”
⚠️YAN² root. “*join”; see instead:
ᴹ√YAT “join”
⚠️ᴱ√YAPA root. “snarl, snap, bark ill-temperedly”; see instead:
ᴹ√KHUG “bark, bay”
yarr- “dog; *growl, snarl”
⚠️ᴹ√YAR root. “blood”; see instead:
SEREK “blood”
⚠️ᴱ√ẎAVA root. “*fruit”; see instead:
ᴹ√YAB “fruit”
⚠️ᴱ√#YAYA root. “*steel, possession”; see instead:
*ᴺ√GAK “steel”
⚠️ᴹ√ root. “to be”; see instead:
“be, exist”
⚠️ᴹ√YEN² root. “daughter”; see instead:
ᴹ√YEL¹ “daughter”
⚠️ᴱ√YERE(NE) root. “*iron”; see instead:
^ᴺ√GYEREN “ore, [unrefined] metal”
⚠️ᴱ√YḶTḶ root. “*join”; see instead:
^ᴺ√YALTA “yoke”
⚠️ᴱ√YṆTṆ root. “*(en)large, increase”; see instead:
^ᴺ√GYANTA “*(en)large, increase”
⚠️YOD root. “fence, enclose”; see instead:
(G)LAN “rim, edge, border, boundary”
⚠️ᴱ√YOLO root. “smell, stink, reek (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴹ√ÑOL “smell (intr.)”
THUS “blow, cause an air movement; [ᴹ√] *smell, stench; ⚠️[√] evil mist, fog, darkness”
⚠️YON² root. “wide, extensive”; see instead:
YAN¹ “wide, extensive, large, vast, huge; extend”
⚠️ᴹ√YUL root. “smoulder”; see instead:
^ᴺ√YOL/YUL “smoulder”
⚠️ᴹ√, ᴱ√YUR root. “run”; see instead:
NOR “run (or leap) of animals or men; [ᴹ√] run as of wheels, roll along, [ᴱ√] go smoothly, ride, spin”