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yarr- n. “dog”

yarr- n. “dog; *growl, snarl”

In the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, Tolkien gave the root ᴱ√YAPA “snarl, snap, bark ill-temperedly” (QL/105). It had no derivatives in QL, but in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon the words G. gab- “bark, bay (of dogs)” and G. gôbi “a large hound” were clearly related (GL/36). There were no similar forms for many years, but then primitive ✶yarr- “dog” appeared in notes from 1968 (VT47/36). This later primitive was likely related to Q. yarra- “growl, snarl” from the Q. Markirya poem of this same period (MC/223), perhaps from a root *√YAR.

Reference ✧ VT47/36 ✧ “dog”



ᴱ√YAPA root. “snarl, snap, bark ill-temperedly”

See ✶yarr- for discussion.

Reference ✧ QL/105 ✧ “snarl, snap, bark ill-temperedly”
