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ᴺS. !piren adj. “spun, rounded, cylindrical” (Category: to Spin)

ᴺS. !piren, q`7l6 adj. “spun, rounded, cylindrical” [created by Paul Strack] (Category: to Spin)
See G. gweron for discussion.



^pir- “to stir, stir round, make spin”

G. gweron adj. “spun, rounded, cylindrical” (Category: to Spin)

An adjective appearing as G. gweron “spun, rounded, cylindrical” in the Gnomish Lexicon based on G. gwer- “wind, turn, bend” (GL/46).

Neo-Sindarin: Later iterations of gwer-related words had more to do with weaving than spinning. As such, I would update this adjective to ᴺS. piren “spun, rounded, cylindrical” based on ᴺS. pir- “make spin” < ᴺ√KWIR “spin”, with some blending with ᴺ√PIR “*cylinder”.

Reference ✧ GL/46 ✧ “spun, rounded, cylindrical”


gwer- “to wind, turn, bend (tr.); to weave” ✧ GL/46
#-(i)on “adjectival suffix” ✧ GL/46 (#-on)
