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Q. silma n. and adj. “crystal (white)” (Category: Glass)

Q. silma, n. and adj. “crystal (white); [ᴹQ.] silver, shining white” (Category: Glass)
ᴱQ. silma “ray of moonlight”
ᴱQ. sintl “crystal”
ᴱQ. †tilwínëa “shining”

A word for “crystal (white)” (PE17/23) and “silver, shining white” (Ety/SIL) based on the root √SIL “shine (white or silver)”. It seems to function as both an adjective and a noun, and is related to silima, the substance Feanor used to craft the Silmarils. Given this word’s strong association with the Silmarils, it probably could no longer be used for other kinds of crystals.

Reference ✧ PE17/23 ✧ “crystal (white)”



Phonetic Developments

silimā > silma [silimā] > [silmā] > [silma] ✧ PE17/23

ᴹQ. silma adj. “silver, shining white” (Category: to Shine, Glisten)

See Q. silma for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/SIL ✧ “silver, shining white”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶silimā > silma [silimā] > [silmā] > [silma] ✧ Ety/SIL