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ᴹQ. lipsa n. “soap” (Category: Soap)

ᴹQ. lipsa, jTqE+ n. “soap” (Category: Soap)

A noun in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “soap” and derived from primitive ᴹ✶libda under the root ᴹ√LIB having to do with ointments (Ety/LIB²). Here the ps is the result of bd unvoicing to pt and then pt becoming to ps.

Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had ᴱQ. poime (poimi-) “soap” (though the word was marked with a “?” by Tolkien) under the early root ᴱ√POYO having to do with cleanliness (QL/75).

Neo-Quenya: In Tolkien’s later writing, [pt] becoming to [ɸt], spelled pt but pronounced more like ft. As such this word should have developed into *lipta [liɸta] in the Quenya phonology of the 1950s and 60s. I prefer to retain 1930s lipsa, perhaps as an abnormal phonetic development. If you don’t like either of these, 1910s poimë “soap” also remains viable, since ᴹ√POY “clean” survived in Tolkien’s later writing (Ety/POY).

Reference ✧ Ety/LIB² ✧ “soap”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶libda > lipsa [libda] > [lipta] > [lipsa] ✧ Ety/LIB²

ᴱQ. ‽poime (poimi-) n. “soap” (Category: Soap)

See ᴹQ. lipsa for discussion.

References ✧ QL/75




poimi- stem ✧ QL/75

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√POYO > ‽poime [pojmi] > [pojme] > [poime] ✧ QL/75