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G. fath n. “tassle” (Category: Adornment (other))

⚠️G. fath, n. “tassle” (Category: Adornment (other))
ᴺS. fass “tassle”

A noun appearing as G. fath or fass “tassel” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, cognate to ᴱQ. fatse (GL/34).

Neo-Sindarin: I’d use the form ᴺS. fass “tassel” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin for better compatibility with the later Quenya form [ᴹQ.] fas (fass-) “fringe”, and I would further assume it was derived from the 1930s root ᴹ√PHAS having to do with shaggy or tangled hair (Ety/PHAS).

References ✧ GL/34



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