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ᴺS. [G.] ^drabol adj. “labouring” (Category: Work, Labor)

ᴺS. [G.] ^drabol, adj. “labouring” (Category: Work, Labor)
See G. drabri for discussion.


drab- “to labour, work; (impersonal) to irk, annoy” active-participle

G. drabri adj. “labouring” (Category: Work, Labor)

A word appearing as G. drabri “labouring” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s based on G. drab- “to labour” and similar words (GL/30).

Neo-Sindarin: I would adapt this adjective as ᴺS. drabol for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, as the active-participle of the verb ᴺS. drab- “to labour”.

Reference ✧ GL/30 ✧ “labouring”


drab- “to labour, work; (impersonal) to irk, annoy” ✧ GL/30
#-ri “abstract noun” ✧ GL/30 (#-ri)