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Q. lacarina adj. “undone” (Category: to Do, Make)

Q. lacarina, jEaE7T5# adj. “undone, *unfinished, incomplete” (Category: to Do, Make)

A negation of carina “done” in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from around 1969, glossed “undone” (PE22/156). For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use this mainly in the sense “*unfinished, incomplete” rather than for an undoing/reversal of a work.

Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had ᴱQ. ilkarna “unfinished”, a combination of the early negative prefix ᴱQ. il- with ᴱQ. karina “finished” (QL/41).

Reference ✧ PE22/156 ✧ lăkarina “undone”


la- “not, in-, un-” ✧ PE22/156 (#)
carina “done” ✧ PE22/156 (#karina)

ᴱQ. ilkarna adj. “unfinished” (Category: to Finish)

Reference ✧ QL/41 ✧ “unfinished”


il- “un-; negative prefix” ✧ QL/41 (i(l)-)
karina “finished” suffix ✧ QL/41 (#karna)