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G. cwas- v. “to shake, wag, nod, flap” (Category: to Shake)

⚠️G. cwas-, an]8 v. “to shake, wag, nod, flap” (Category: to Shake)
ᴺS. ^pasta- “to shake, wag, nod, flap”

The verb G. cwas- “wag, shake, flap (tr.)” appeared in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/28), clearly based on the early root ᴱ√QASA and cognate to ᴱQ. qasa- “shake, flap, nod, rustle” (QL/76). On another page in GL Tolkien had G. cwas- or cwath- glossed “shake, nod, wag. tr. & intr.”, and another verb G. cwathra- “shake (intr.)” (GL/28).

Neo-Sindarin: Since I retain ᴺQ. quas- “shake” for purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would adapt the above verbs for purposes of Neo-Sindarin as well. Fiona Jallings suggested ᴺS. pasta- in a 2021-03-04 conversation on the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS) with the usual Sindarin sound change of ancient kw to p, and I’ve adopted this verb form for the meanings “to shake, wag, nod, flap” as an updated version of G. cwas-.

References ✧ GL/28, 53




cwanthi past ✧ GL/28
cwasti past ✧ GL/28
cwôsi past ✧ GL/28
gwath soft-mutation present; c-mutation ✧ GL/53

Element In



G. cwathra- v. “to shake (intr.)” (Category: to Shake)

See G. cwas- for discussion.

Reference ✧ GL/28 ✧ cwathra “shake (intr.)”


ᴱ√QASA “*shake”
#-ra² “verb suffix” ✧ GL/28 (#-ra)