Q. #-a suf. “adjectival suffix” (Category: Affix)
- Q. #-a, `C suf. “adjectival suffix” (Category: Affix)
This suffix is frequently used to create the adjective form of a noun, especially in the form -ëa for nouns ending in -ë. This function dates back to CE. ✶-ā.
References ✧ LotR/1116; MC/223; PE16/96; PE17/115, 149; VT39/20
Element In
- ᴺQ. ^aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
- ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
- ᴺQ. ^nornolassëa “having oak-leaves”
- Q. Aldëa “*Tuesday, Tree-day (Númenórean)”
- Q. andúna “western”
- Q. #endëa “middle”
- Q. fínëa “dexterous”
- Q. ilaurëa “*daily”
- Q. ilyarëa “*daily”
- Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
- Q. lillassëa “having many leaves”
- Q. lilótëa “having many flowers”
- Q. #lómëa “shadowed, gloomy”
- Q. mírëa “jewelled”
- Q. nöa “former; yesterday; tomorrow”
- Q. núla¹ “dark, occult, mysterious”
- Q. oialëa “eternal”
- Q. rávëa “roaring”
- Q. #taurëa “forested”
- Q. úfanwëa “not veiled, unveiled”
- Q. úpahtëa “speechless”
- Q. vëa¹ “seeming, apparent”
- Q. yaimëa “wailing”
- Q. airëa “holy (applied to persons)” ✧ PE17/149
- Q. †amaurëa “dawn, early day, morning” ✧ MC/223 (†amaurëa)
- Q. eressëa “lonely” ✧ LotR/1116
- Q. ilucara “omnificent” ✧ VT39/20 (ilukara)
- Q. nieninquëa “like a snowdrop” ✧ PE16/96
- Q. túrëa “mighty, masterful” ✧ PE17/115
ᴱQ. #-a suf. “adjectival suffix” (Category: Affix)
References ✧ PE14/47, 51, 79; PE15/67, 73; PE16/100; QL/30, 33-35, 37, 39, 42-43, 47-49, 51-58, 60-61, 63-70, 72-83, 86-88, 90-92, 94-97,
99, 101-103, 105
Element In
- ᴱQ. aldea “tree-shadowed”
- ᴱQ. asampe(a) “cavernous”
- ᴱQ. assea “bony”
- ᴱQ. avíka “very much alike”
- ᴱQ. eressea “lonely”
- ᴱQ. kaurea “timid”
- ᴱQ. lintuilindórea “of autumn; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn”
- ᴱQ. #lómea “*gloomy”
- ᴱQ. Makarnea “Red-handed”
- ᴱQ. wilwarinda “butterflylike”
- ᴱQ. aistalea “worshipful” ✧ QL/34
- ᴱQ. alasta “of marble, marble” ✧ QL/30
- ᴱQ. atempa “(strong) dislike” ✧ QL/90
- ᴱQ. auqa “awkward, clumsy (of things), difficult” ✧ QL/33
- ᴱQ. aurea “sunny, sunlit” ✧ QL/33
- ᴱQ. ekkia “thorny” ✧ QL/35
- ᴱQ. fanórea “absent-minded” ✧ QL/37 (fanōrea)
- ᴱQ. hatsea “rushing, rapid” ✧ QL/39
- ᴱQ. helinillea “*violet [colour]” ✧ QL/39
- ᴱQ. illia “in multitudes” ✧ QL/42
- ᴱQ. isqalea “clever” ✧ QL/43
- ᴱQ. kaimassea “confined to bed, a-bed, bedridden” ✧ PE14/79
- ᴱQ. karneambara “*red-breasted” ✧ QL/48
- ᴱQ. kiryassea “what is on board ship” ✧ PE14/47
- ᴱQ. kityalea “ticklish, susceptible, sensitive” ✧ QL/47
- ᴱQ. koirea “alive, lively” ✧ QL/48
- ᴱQ. kómea “globe-shaped, round” ✧ QL/47 (kōmea)
- ᴱQ. kotsia “nutty” ✧ QL/48
- ᴱQ. kulmarinda “orange-coloured” ✧ QL/49
- ᴱQ. kulurinda “orange-coloured” ✧ QL/49
- ᴱQ. lassea “with leaves, leafy” ✧ QL/51
- ᴱQ. latukenda “of tin” ✧ QL/51
- ᴱQ. laumea “dark, stormy” ✧ QL/51
- ᴱQ. laurea “golden” ✧ PE15/73
- ᴱQ. lempea¹ “decimal” ✧ QL/52
- ᴱQ. lempea² “half” ✧ PE14/51
- ᴱQ. limpalassea “much roaring” ✧ QL/53 (limpa(pa)lasse(a))
- ᴱQ. lindea “singing, like music, *musical” ✧ QL/54
- ᴱQ. lindelea “melodious” ✧ QL/54
- ᴱQ. lindórea “singing at dawn (esp. of birds)” ✧ QL/54 (lindōrea)
- ᴱQ. líneneldora “having many beeches” ✧ QL/53 (līneneldora)
- ᴱQ. linqea “watery” ✧ QL/54
- ᴱQ. lintasarindea “having many willows” ✧ QL/53 (linta(ta)sarind(e)a)
- ᴱQ. lintuilinda “many-swallows of autumn” ✧ QL/53
- ᴱQ. lintyulussea “having many poplars” ✧ QL/53
- ᴱQ. liqistea “transparent” ✧ QL/54
- ᴱQ. listea “full of grace, blessed” ✧ QL/55
- ᴱQ. loimea “thirsty” ✧ QL/56
- ᴱQ. lómina “shadowy” ✧ QL/55 (lōmina)
- ᴱQ. lótea “full of blossom” ✧ QL/56 (lōtea)
- ᴱQ. lotórea “flourishing” ✧ QL/55 (lotōrea)
- ᴱQ. luina “ago” ✧ QL/56
- ᴱQ. lúlea “sapphirine” ✧ QL/57 (lūlea)
- ᴱQ. lúmia “pertaining to time, temporal” ✧ QL/56 (lūmia)
- ᴱQ. lúrea “overcast, dark [of weather]” ✧ QL/57 (lūrea)
- ᴱQ. maksilistea “powerful, having possession of or authority over” ✧ QL/57
- ᴱQ. málea “able” ✧ PE15/67
- ᴱQ. malikondea “of amber” ✧ QL/58
- ᴱQ. maqalea “handy, skilled (with hands)” ✧ QL/57
- ᴱQ. melitsa “beloved, favourite” ✧ QL/60
- ᴱQ. mírea “smiling” ✧ QL/61 (mīrea)
- ᴱQ. mirmila “rippling” ✧ QL/61
- ᴱQ. mulda “powdery” ✧ QL/63
- ᴱQ. murmea “slumbrous” ✧ QL/63
- ᴱQ. naikelea “agonizing” ✧ QL/65
- ᴱQ. nardilea “perfumed” ✧ QL/68
- ᴱQ. narka¹ “snappy, ill-tempered” ✧ QL/64
- ᴱQ. násea “loathsome” ✧ QL/64 (nāsea)
- ᴱQ. niqissea “snowy” ✧ QL/66
- ᴱQ. nornea “of oak” ✧ QL/67
- ᴱQ. númea “in the west, western” ✧ QL/68 (nūmea)
- ᴱQ. nyenya “querulous, tearful, plaintive” ✧ QL/69
- ᴱQ. olórea “dreamy, dreamlike” ✧ QL/69 (olōrea)
- ᴱQ. órea “of the dawn, Eastern” ✧ QL/70 (ōrea)
- ᴱQ. palassea “foaming (of the sea)” ✧ QL/72
- ᴱQ. pampil(e)a “tremulous” ✧ QL/72 (pampila)
- ᴱQ. pínea “small” ✧ QL/73 (pīnea)
- ᴱQ. pirindea “cylindrical” ✧ QL/74
- ᴱQ. pirúk(end)ea “pirouetting, whirling lightly” ✧ QL/74 (pirūkea)
- ᴱQ. poldórea “muscular, powerful” ✧ QL/75 (poldōrea)
- ᴱQ. pómea “northern” ✧ QL/74 (pōmea)
- ᴱQ. qalmea “deathly” ✧ QL/76
- ᴱQ. †qalúmea “deadly” ✧ QL/76 (†qalūmea)
- ᴱQ. qámea “sick” ✧ QL/76 (qāmea)
- ᴱQ. qentea “verbal” ✧ QL/77
- ᴱQ. qilda “quiet, hushed, still” ✧ QL/78
- ᴱQ. qilea “coloured, -hued” ✧ QL/77
- ᴱQ. qim(en)ea “womanly, feminine” ✧ QL/77 (qimea)
- ᴱQ. qínea “squeaking” ✧ QL/77 (qīnea)
- ᴱQ. qinqelea “languorous” ✧ QL/77
- ᴱQ. qirqirinda “murmuring” ✧ QL/78
- ᴱQ. raustea “of prey” ✧ QL/79
- ᴱQ. rua “steady, still, tranquil” ✧ QL/80
- ᴱQ. saikelea “famished” ✧ QL/82
- ᴱQ. salamba “twanging, throbbing, resounding, echoing” ✧ QL/81
- ᴱQ. saminda “silken” ✧ QL/81
- ᴱQ. siliq(in)a “flinty” ✧ QL/83 (siliqa)
- ᴱQ. silmea “*of the moon” ✧ QL/56
- ᴱQ. silqeléna “having tresses” ✧ QL/83 (silqelēna)
- ᴱQ. silqelossea “with hair like white flowers” ✧ PE16/100
- ᴱQ. sunqelea “westering, setting” ✧ QL/87
- ᴱQ. susúlima “full of wind, windy, airy” ✧ QL/86 (susūlima)
- ᴱQ. talanda “burdened, weighed down, sad” ✧ QL/88
- ᴱQ. talqea “glassy” ✧ QL/88
- ᴱQ. telella “elfin” ✧ QL/91
- ᴱQ. telerea “elfin” ✧ QL/91
- ᴱQ. telpea “silvern” ✧ QL/91
- ᴱQ. telúmea “final, conclusive, end; last; extreme” ✧ QL/91 (telūmea)
- ᴱQ. telusta “outer, extreme, ultimate” ✧ QL/91
- ᴱQ. tendilea “feeling; sentimental” ✧ QL/91
- ᴱQ. †tilwínea “shining” ✧ QL/92 (†tilwīnea)
- ᴱQ. timpina “fine, powdered, sprayed” ✧ QL/92
- ᴱQ. timpínea “made of spray, full of fine showers, showery (of weather)” ✧ QL/92 (timpīnea)
- ᴱQ. tiqilindea “thawing, slushy” ✧ QL/92
- ᴱQ. tólea “central, middle” ✧ QL/94 (tōlea)
- ᴱQ. †túrea “mighty” ✧ QL/95 (†tūrea)
- ᴱQ. turinda “royal, of the ruling dynasty; in power” ✧ QL/96
- ᴱQ. turinqia “royal, Queenly” ✧ QL/96 (turinqia)
- ᴱQ. ulwea “alder-grown” ✧ QL/97
- ᴱQ. valdea “of moment, important” ✧ QL/102
- ᴱQ. valkea “cutting, sharp” ✧ QL/101
- ᴱQ. vanest(e)a “beauteous” ✧ QL/99
- ᴱQ. vea¹ “similar, like” ✧ QL/101
- ᴱQ. waliemba “tropical” ✧ QL/103 (’waliemba)
- ᴱQ. werelinda “twirling, pirouetting” ✧ QL/103 (’werelinda)
- ᴱQ. yarendila “like a sailor” ✧ QL/105