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G. aithos n. “thorn bush” (Category: Thorn)

⚠️G. aithos, n. “thorn bush” (Category: Thorn)
ᴺS. ^eithos “thorn bush”

A noun appearing as G. aithos “thorn-bush” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, a combination of G. aith¹ “thorn” and G. tath “hedge”, derived from primitive ᴱ✶eχt·taþ· (GL/18). This word also appeared in Gnomish Lexicon Slips modifying that document (PE13/108).

Neo-Sindarin: I would adapt this word as ᴺS. eithos “thorn bush” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, since the diphthong ai was ei in non-final syllables in Sindarin of the 1950s and 60s. I would re-etymologize this word as a combination of the later words [N.] êg “thorn” (< √EK) and [N.] toss “bush”, where primitive ekt- became eith-.

References ✧ GL/18; PE13/108



aith¹ “thorn” ✧ GL/18
tath “hedge, fence” ✧ GL/18

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶eχt·taþ· > aithos [extaθ] > [exθaθ] > [eiθaθ] > [aiθaθ] > [aiθoθ] > [aiθos] ✧ GL/18