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Q. nauro [ñ-] n. “werewolf, wolf (not wild wolves)” (Category: Wolf)

Q. nauro [ñ-], n. “werewolf, wolf (not wild wolves)” (Category: Wolf)

A noun for “werewolf” appearing a number of times in Tolkien’s notes as a derivative of the root √ÑG(W)AW (PE17/39; PE19/106; Ety/ÑGAW). In the Outline of Phonology (OP2) from the 1950s Tolkien said it was “usually not used of ‘wild wolves’, and in TQ [Tarquesta] specially applied to the ‘werewolves’ of Morgoth” (PE19/106). In notes on Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings from the late 1950s or early 1960s, Tolkien instead said it was a loan-word from S. gaur (PE17/39). Tolkien vacillated on the meaning of its root, in some places giving it the gloss “howl” (PE19/106; Ety/ÑGAW) but in one place “falsify, deform, disguise” (PE17/39).

References ✧ PE17/39; PE19/106





Phonetic Developments

ÑGAW > ñauro [ŋgauro] > [ŋauro] > [nauro] ✧ PE17/39
ñgwaurō > ñauro [ŋgwaurō] > [ŋwaurō] ? [ŋaurō] > [ŋauro] > [nauro] ✧ PE19/106

ᴹQ. nauro [ñ-] n. “werewolf” (Category: Wolf)

See Q. nauro for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/ÑGAW ✧ ñauro “werewolf”



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ÑGAW > ñauro [ŋgauro] > [ŋauro] > [nauro] ✧ Ety/ÑGAW