ᴹQ. ni·mere in e·karithe “I wish him to do it/that he do(es) it”

ᴹQ. ni·mere in e·carithë “I wish him to do it/that he do(es) it”

Reference ✧ PE22/118 ✧ “I wish him to do it/that he do(es) it”


ni “I, me” ✧ PE22/118
mer- “to wish, desire, want” aorist ✧ PE22/118 (mere)
“that, what (relative pronoun)” ✧ PE22/118 (in)
e “he, she, it” ✧ PE22/118
kar- “to do, make, build” infinitive with-3rd-sg-remote-object ✧ PE22/118 (karithe)