Q. lenda n. “journey” (Category: to Go)
A word for “journey” appearing in Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings from the late 1950s or early 1960s, derived from √LEN or √LED and related to the derivation of S. lembas “waybread” (PE17/60).
Neo-Quenya: The Neo-Quenya Wiki suggested this word may mean also be used for “*travel, trip”.
Conceptual Development: The Declension of Nouns of the early 1930s had ᴹQ. lesto “journey” (PE21/12).
Reference ✧ PE17/60 ✧ “journey”
Element In
Phonetic Developments
√LEN > lenda | [lenda] | ✧ PE17/60 |
ᴹQ. lesto (lestu-) n. “journey” (Category: to Go)
References ✧ PE21/12
lesto | accusative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†lestua | accusative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†[lest]uï | accusative plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†[lest]uen | dative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†lestuen | dative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestur | dative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†[lest]uïr | dative plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
[lest]uo | genitive | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestuo | genitive | ✧ PE21/12; PE21/12 | |
†[lest]uion | genitive plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†[lest]u͡inen | instrumental plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†lesto | nominative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestun | nominative | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestoin | nominative plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†lestuïn | nominative plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
[lest]u͡ika | partitive-plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestoli | plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestuli | plural | ✧ PE21/12 | |
†lestua | possessive | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestuva | possessive | ✧ PE21/12 | |
lestu̯ǝ | stem | “journey” | ✧ PE21/12 |