S. Gilthoniel f. “Star-kindler”

S. Gilthoniel, f. “Star-kindler”

A title of Elbereth (LotR/238) translated “Star-kindler” (RGEO/64, Let/278), the equivalent of Q. Tintallë (MR/388). This name is a combination of gil “star”, a derivative of the root √THAN “kindle” and the feminine suffix -iel¹ (PE17/22-3, MR/388).

Conceptual Development: The name N. Gilthoniel appeared in The Etymologies from the 1930s with essentially the same derivation as the one given above, except that the middle element was from the root ᴹ√TAN¹ “make, fashion”, and the gloss was “Star-maker” (Ety/GIL, TAN). When this name first appeared in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, it was Gilthonieth, a form that also appeared in The Etymologies, but it was soon revised to Gilthoniel (RS/68). In some notes from the 1950s, Tolkien considered the possibility that the final element thoniel was a special past-tense agental formation meaning “kindler (in the past)” (PE17/82).

References ✧ LB/354; Let/278; LotR/238, 729; LotRI/Elbereth, Gilthoniel; MR/388; MRI; PE17/22-23, 82; PE23/143; RGEO/63-65




gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light” ✧ PE17/22; RGEO/65
THAN “kindle, set light to, fire, light” ✧ MR/388 (thăn/thān); PE17/23 (THĂN/THĀN)
-iel¹ “daughter; feminine suffix” ✧ PE17/23
(Ñ)GIL “shine (white); silver glint; white or silver light” strengthened ✧ MR/388 (ngil)
-iel “feminine suffix” ✧ MR/388
ñgillē “silver glint” ✧ PE17/23 (g̃illĭ/g̃illē)
thoniel “kindler (in the past)” ✧ PE17/82 (†thoniel)

Element In


N. Gilthoniel f. “Star-maker, Lady of the Stars”

See S. Gilthoniel for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/GIL, TAN; RS/68, 364, 394; RSI; SDI1/Gilthoniel; TII; WRI





geil “star” ✧ Ety/GIL (gíl)
ᴹ√TAN¹ “make, fashion” ✧ Ety/TAN; Ety/TAN
-iel¹ “daughter; feminine suffix”

Element In
