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S. gwaew n. “storm; blow” (Category: Storm)

S. gwaew, n. “storm; ⚠️blow” (Category: Storm)

A Sindarin word in notes from around 1957, derived from primitive ✶wagmē, the equivalent of Q. vangwë “storm” (NM/237). It is not entirely clear whether Tolkien intended the Sindarin word to have the same meaning, as elsewhere gwaew was typically glossed “wind”. But in the same paragraph, gwae also appeared (likewise unglossed), which is the more usual Sindarin word for “wind”, so I think gwaew = “storm” is a reasonable assumption. The same form and derivation of gwaew < ✶wagme appeared in Quenya Notes also from 1957, but there its Quenya equivalent (also vangwe) was glossed “blow”. This word is probably pronounced as a triphthong, approximately “gwaeoo”.

References ✧ NM/237; PE17/34




Phonetic Developments

wagmē > gwaew [wagmē] > [wagme] > [gwagme] > [gwaɣme] > [gwaime] > [gwaim] > [gwaem] > [gwaev] > [gwaew] ✧ NM/237
wagme > gwaew [wagme] > [gwagme] > [gwaɣme] > [gwaime] > [gwaim] > [gwaem] > [gwaev] > [gwaew] ✧ PE17/34