OS. intervocalic [s] became [h]; [VsV|-Vs] > [VhV|-Vh]
In both (Old) Sindarin and (Old) Noldorin, an intervocalic [s] became [h]. This change is somewhat obscured, because later still [h] vanished after vowels. The clearest Sindarin examples are:
This sound change is the reason for the soft mutation of initial s to h in Sindarin and Noldorin. It was also a factor in the use of a¹ “and” < √AS “beside”, which sometimes appears as ah before words beginning with a vowel: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth “The Debate of Finrod and Andreth” (PE17/41, MR/329). Clear examples are even more numerous in Noldorin:
As the last example shows, this sound change could sometimes result in irregular plurals; the plural thely for S. thôl “helmet” (< *tholos?) may be a later example of such an irregular plural, though it was eventually reformed to regular plural thuil (PE17/188). Based on the Noldorin examples, it seems this phonetic development took place in the Old Noldorin/Old Sindarin period, as suggested by David Salo (GS/§4.71). Tolkien explicitly described this sound change in a couple places:
In Noldorin {however} s remained voiceless and became medial h (Outline of Phonetic Development [OP1], 1940s, PE19/34, note #28).
The sign ½ was reintroduced from the original Feanorian general alphabet only in late ON to denote h (at first absent in ON) redeveloped from initial kh, hy and intervocalic s (Feanorian Alphabet, 1930s, PE22/25).
The sound h did not exist in the older period. It redeveloped in ON (i) from d = kh > χ when it stood in absolute initial position in a word group; (ii) from older 9 = [ɧ] in the same position; (iii) for s between vowels (ibid., PE22/29).
A nearly identical sound change occurred in Welsh, where [VsV] > [VhV] > [VøV] (WGHC/§94ii). It seems that this change took place when s was final after a vowel as well:
N.B. N. dîs “bride” cannot be direct from ON. dîs since medial and final s were lost in Exilic Noldorin. Its retention is probably due to blending with dissa. Thus dîs is a blend in early Exilic of dî (which survives) and dess (which does not except as contributing to the sense “woman”, c.f. bess properly “wife”). ON. dī is a later development of nī under influence of dīr. Exilic dī is from this and ON ndīs (EtyAC/NDIS).
Such developments must have been rare, however, since earlier still (perhaps even in Ancient Telerin) any final [s] vanished in polysyllables, so this sound change could only apply to monosyllables like ON. ndīs. It seems likely the mechanism was [-Vs] > [-Vh] > [-Vø]. Based on the above example, it seems the change of final [s] to [h] probably occurred later than between vowels, maybe in the Sindarin/Noldorin period rather than in Old Sindarin/Old Noldorin. The relative lateness of this change could help explain why the soft mutation of s was to h rather than causing s to vanish, since the sound change at word boundaries probably occurred later, in the Sindarin/Noldorin period.
Conceptual Development: Intervocalic s is fairly common in Gnomish, which therefore could not have had this phonetic development, for example: G. ausirol “fortune”, G. nusiol “sagacious”, G. orosaura “sunrise”. The same is true of the Early Noldorin of the 1920s: ᴱN. Borosaith “Everhungry” and ᴱN. Broseliand. However, in the Early Noldorin of the 1920s, initial s- often (but not always) became h-, as noted by Roman Rausch in Historical Phonologies of Ilkorin, Telerin and Noldorin around 1923 (HPITN/§4.1.1):
There is no sign of this initial development in Sindarin/Noldorin, except in the soft mutation of s to h.
Order (03100)
After | 00700 | [j] was lost after initial velars | ᴹ✶khyelesē > khelesa > ON. kheleha | Ety/KHYEL(ES) |
After | 01700 | long final vowels were shortened | ᴹ✶barasā́ > barasa > ON. baraha | Ety/BARAS |
After | 02100 | final [e] became [a] after single [s] and [st] | ᴹ✶khyelesē > khelesa > ON. kheleha | Ety/KHYEL(ES) |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
Phonetic Rule Examples
asa > aha | VsV > VhV | ✶as(a) > a(h) > S. a | ✧ PE17/41 |
asamaro > ahamaro | VsV > VhV | ✶asmarō > S. ahamar | ✧ VT48/20 |
asǭme > ahǭme | VsV > VhV | √SAM > ahawv > S. aw | ✧ PE17/173 |
l̥asu > l̥ahu | VsV > VhV | √S-LAS > S. lhaw | ✧ PE17/62 |
l̥asu > l̥ahu | VsV > VhV | ✶slasū > S. lhaw | ✧ PE23/136 |
ŋgoroθūso > ŋgoroθūho | VsV > VhV | ✶ñgor(o)-thūsō > Gorthu > S. Gorthaur | ✧ PE17/183 |
otoso > otoho | VsV > VhV | ✶Otos > S. odo- | ✧ RC/384 |
otoso > otoho | VsV > VhV | ✶otoso > S. odo | ✧ VT42/25 |
pelesendore > pelehendore | VsV > VhV | √PEL > S. pelennor | ✧ PE17/65 |
tasǭre > tahǭre | VsV > VhV | √TASĀR > tachaur > S. †taur/taor | ✧ PE17/81 |
tindōmiselde > tindōmihelde | VsV > VhV | ✶tindōmi-sel(dĕ) > tindúmhihel > S. Tinnúviel | ✧ PE19/73 |
θolosi > θolohi | VsV > VhV | √ÞOL > S. thely | ✧ PE17/188 |
θūse > θūhe | VsV > VhV | ✶thūsē > S. thû | ✧ PE17/183 |
θūse > θūhe | VsV > VhV | √thus > S. thû | ✧ NM/237 |
θūson > θūhon | VsV > VhV | √ÞOWO > Þou... > S. Thuon | ✧ PE17/68 |
wanaso > wanaho | VsV > VhV | ✶wanasō > S. gwana | ✧ PE17/140 |
ON. intervocalic [s] became [h]; [VsV] > [VhV]
References ✧ PE19/34; PE22/25, 29
Order (04100)
After | 01300 | [j] was lost after initial velars | ᴹ✶khyelesē > khelesa > ON. kheleha | Ety/KHYEL(ES) |
After | 02400 | long final vowels were shortened | ᴹ✶barasā́ > barasa > ON. baraha | Ety/BARAS |
After | 02600 | final [e] became [a] after single [s] and [st] | ᴹ✶khyelesē > khelesa > ON. kheleha | Ety/KHYEL(ES) |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
✧ PE19/23 (-s- > -h-) |
Phonetic Rule Examples
barasa > baraha | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶barasā́ > barasa > ON. baraha | ✧ Ety/BARAS |
glisi > glihi | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶g-lisi > N. glî | ✧ Ety/LIS |
gǭsa > gǭha | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶gāsa > N. gaw | ✧ Ety/GAS |
jǭbasūka > jaubahūka | VsV > VhV | ON. yōbasūka > iovhug > N. iofog | ✧ TMME/53 |
kǭsa > kǭha | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√KAS > N. caw | ✧ Ety/KAS |
lasu > lahu | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶lasū > N. lhaw | ✧ Ety/LAS² |
lūsien > lūhien | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√LOS > N. Lhuien | ✧ Ety/LOS |
nusina > nuhina | VsV > VhV | ON. nusina > N. noen | ✧ PE22/40 |
nusina > nuhina | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√NUS > nusina > ON. nuhina | ✧ EtyAC/NUS |
nusini > nuhini | VsV > VhV | ON. nœ(h)ini > N. nœin | ✧ PE22/40 |
oso > oho | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√OS > N. o | ✧ Ety/OS |
olosi > olohi | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√ÓLOS > N. elei | ✧ Ety/ÓLOS |
pelesi > pelehi | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√PEL(ES) > pelesi > ON. pelehi | ✧ Ety/PEL(ES) |
telesa > teleha | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√TELES > N. tele | ✧ Ety/TELES |
telesi > telehi | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√TELES > N. telei | ✧ Ety/TELES |
tindūmiselde > tindūmihelde | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶Tindōmiselde > ON. tindūmhiell | ✧ Ety/TIN |
θelesi > θelehi | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶thelesi > ON. thelehi | ✧ Ety/THEL |
θǭsa > θǭha | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶thausā > N. thaw | ✧ Ety/THUS |
θūse > θūhe | VsV > VhV | ᴹ√THUS > N. thû | ✧ Ety/THUS |
xelese > xeleha | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶khyelesē > khelesa > ON. kheleha | ✧ Ety/KHYEL(ES) |
xīsislūme > xīhihlūme | VsV > VhV | ᴹ✶χīsi-slōmē > N. Cílu | ✧ PE21/32 |