S. Falas loc. “Western Shore, (lit.) Coast”
Region on the coast of Beleriand (S/58). This name is simply the word falas “shore, coast” used as a name (SA/falas). This name sometimes appears with the definite article: i Falas “The Coast” (VT42/15, Ety/PHAL). It sometimes was translated “Western Shore/Coast” (LR/128, Ety/PHAL), but the word for “west” did not appear in its Sindarin name.
Conceptual Development: This name first appeared as N. Falas in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s (SM/121, LR/128), and in The Etymologies already had the derivation given above (Ety/PHAL).
References ✧ LT1I; MRI; PMI; SA/falas; SI; UTI; VT42/15; WJI
falas | “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)” | ✧ SA/falas; VT42/15 (falas) |
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