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S. certhas n. “runes-rows, runic alphabet” (Category: Letter of the Alphabet)

S. certhas, n. “runes-rows, runic alphabet” (Category: Letter of the Alphabet)

Sindarin name of the runic alphabet from The Lord of the Rings appendices (LotR/1123). It is an elaboration of certh “rune”, probably either with the abstract noun suffix -as, or with the collective noun suffix -ath with dissimilation of the final th to s after the th in the base word.

References ✧ LotR/1123; PE17/122; PE22/150



#gerthas soft-mutation; c-mutation ✧ LotR/1123; PE17/122


certh “rune” ✧ LotR/1123
#-as “abstract noun” ✧ LotR/1123 (#-as)

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