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ᴹ√SPAR² root. “strew, spread, ?scatter”

ᴹ√SPAR² root. “strew, spread, ?scatter”

A rough root in The Etymologies of the 1930s with the glosses “strew, spread” and third hard-to-read gloss, perhaps “?scat[ter]” (EtyAC/SPAR²). It had derivatives ᴹQ. fára/N. faur “beach, shore” and ᴹQ. farma/N. farf , the latter with another very hard-to-read gloss, perhaps “?string/stray, ?carpet”. Given the uncertainty of the meanings of this root and its derivatives, I would ignore it for purposes of Neo-Eldarin.

Reference ✧ EtyAC/SPAR² ✧ “strew, spread, ?scatter”
