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ᴱQ. helilokte n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster” (Category: Vegetation (other))

⚠️ᴱQ. heliloctë, n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster” (Category: Vegetation (other))
ᴺQ. ^helillos “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”

A word appearing as ᴱQ. helilokte “(purple cluster) wisteria” in the Qenya Lexicon, a combination of ᴱQ. helin “pansy [= purple flow]” and ᴱQ. lokte “(flower) cluster” (QL/39).

Neo-Quenya: Since I retain ᴺQ. helin “pansy” for purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would adapt this word as ᴺQ. helillos “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster” using the later word lós “mass of flowers” for its second element.

Reference ✧ QL/39 ✧ “(purple cluster) wisteria”


helin “pansy” ✧ QL/39
lokte “blossom (of flowers), (flower) cluster, bunch”