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ᴺQ. !laimamatta n. “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food” (Category: Vegetables)

ᴺQ. !laimamatta, n. “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food” [created by Paul Strack] (Category: Vegetables)
See ᴱQ. lausimatl for discussion.


Q. laima “plant”
Q. matta “food”

ᴱQ. lausimatl n. “vegetable food” (Category: Vegetables)

A word appearing as ᴱQ. lausimatl “vegetable food” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, a combination of ᴱQ. laute (lausi-) “living thing, (esp.) vegetable” and ᴱQ. matl “food” (QL/52, 59).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would update this word to ᴺQ. laimamatta “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food”, a combination of the later elements Q. laima “plant” and Q. matta “food”.

Reference ✧ QL/59 ✧ “vegetable food”


laute “living thing, (esp.) vegetable” stem ✧ QL/59 (lausi-)
matl “food” ✧ QL/59