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ᴺQ. !nossetur n. “patriarch, family head” (Category: Grandfather)

ᴺQ. !nossetur, n. “patriarch, family head” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT] (Category: Grandfather)

A neologism for “patriarch” or “family head” coined by Helge Fauskanger for his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT), a combination of nossë “family” and -tur “master”. Helge coined another neologism for “patriarch”, ᴺQ. atartur with initial element atar “father”, but I prefer nossetur.


Q. nos(së) “kindred, family”
Q. -tur “master, lord, ruler”

ᴺQ. !atartur n. “patriarch, (lit.) master-father” (Category: Grandfather)

See ᴺQ. !nossetur for discussion.


Q. atar¹ “father”
Q. -tur “master, lord, ruler”