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ᴹQ. ére n. “existing, existence” (Category: Be)

ᴹQ. érë, n. “existing, existence” (Category: Be)

An abstract noun for “existing, existence” appearing in the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) from 1948, as opposed to the true gerund ie “existing” of the verb ᴹQ. ea- “be, exist” (PE22/124). As Tolkien described it:

The gerunds ére, ie, are chiefly distinguished by the fact that ie (< eye) is the true gerund and only used of particular circumstances. Angwion ie uman enwa “The existence of dragons at one time [is] a fact”. Whereas ére is really an abstract, and can be used (as ie cannot) in such a sentence as: ére nairea, ére lunga nairenen, “Existence (in this world) is sorrowful, is fraught with sorrow” (PE22/124).

References ✧ PE22/123-124


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