S. Bar-in-Mŷl loc. “Home of the Gulls”

S. Bar-in-Mŷl, w]7 `6yiFj loc. “Home of the Gulls”

Name of cape southwest of Eglarest, also known as Ras Mewrim (WJ/190, WJ/379). The initial element of the name is bâr “home”, the second element is the plural in of the definite article “the” and the final element is the plural mŷl “gulls”.

Conceptual Development: This name was earlier given as Bar-in-Gwael (WJ/418). In one place it was changed in pencil to Bar-i-Mŷl, a more accurate rendering of the result of nasal-mutation of the plural definite article in before m (WJ/418); hat-tip to Vyacheslav Stepanov for this suggestion.

References ✧ WJ/190, 379, 418; WJI






bâr “house, dwelling, home” ✧ WJ/379 (Bar)
“the” plural ✧ WJ/379 (in)
#mŷl “gull” plural ✧ WJ/379

S. Bar-in-Gwael loc.

An earlier name for Bar-in-Mŷl “Home of the Gulls” (WJ/418). The initial element of the name is bâr “home” and the second element is the plural in of the definite article “the”, but the meaning of the final element is unclear. It may be a variation of gwae “wind”.

References ✧ WJ/418; WJI/Bar-in-Mŷl



bâr “house, dwelling, home” ✧ WJ/418 (Bar)
“the” plural ✧ WJ/418 (in)
gwael “?wind” ✧ WJ/418