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RUTH root. “anger, rage, wrath”

RUTH root. “anger, rage, wrath”

This root appeared in two different documents: first in Quenya Notes (QN) from 1957 as (U)RUÞ “anger, rage, wrath” (PE17/188), and again in notes on Dalath Dirnen (DD) from 1964 as RUTH “rage” (PE17/183). In the former it had derivatives like Q. rúsë “anger”/S. rûth “rage” and Q. ursa “rage”/S. oroth “rage, anger”, with the latter document only mentioning the Sindarin forms with glosses “wrath” and “rage” respectively.

It’s conceivable this late root is a reemergence of a (hypothetical) root *ᴱ√(G)RUYU that would explain words in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s such as G. grui “ferocity, horror”, G. gru(i)m “fierce”, and G. gruith “deed of horror, angry or violent act, vengeance” (GL/42), but it is hard to be sure.

References ✧ PE17/145, 183, 188




?ᴱ√RUYU root. “*fierce”

See √RUTH for discussion.
