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S. lhôn n. “noise” (Category: Noise, Thunder)

S. lhôn, n. “noise; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound” (Category: Noise, Thunder)
G. rum “noise”

A word for “noise” appearing in a list of roots for sound words from 1959-60, derived from the root √(S)LON (PE17/138).

Neo-Sindarin: In a post on 2024-05-07 from the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), Luinyelle suggested this word could also mean “phone, speech sound”, based on Q. hlonitë “phonetic”. I personally recommend fuller paethlon in cases where a simple lhôn would be ambiguous.

Reference ✧ PE17/138 ✧ “a noise”


Element In



Phonetic Developments

SLON > lhôn [slon] > [l̥on] > [l̥ōn] ✧ PE17/138