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Q. loicolícuma n. “corpse-candle” (Category: Candle)

Q. loicolícuma, n. “corpse-candle” (Category: Candle)

A word for “a corpse-candle” in the Markirya poem from the 1960s, a combination of loico “corpse” and lícuma “candle” (MC/222-223).

Conceptual Development: In the version of the poem from around 1930, this was ᴱQ. kaivo-kalma “corpse-candle” (MC/214)

Reference ✧ MC/222 ✧ loikolíkuma “a corpse-candle”


loico “corpse, dead body” ✧ MC/223 (loiko)
lícuma “taper, candle” ✧ MC/223 (líkuma)

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