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G. amrog-dorn n. “brown wanderer, gipsy” (Category: to Wander, Stray)

⚠️G. amrog-dorn, ]y7hs 2h76 n. “brown wanderer, gipsy” (Category: to Wander, Stray)

A word glossed “brown wanderer, gipsy” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, a combination of G. amrog “wanderer” and the mutated form of G. torn “swart, dark-brown”, with a plural form amruith-torni (GL/19). It is not clear how plural amruith relates to singular amrog, but it might contain a variant form of G. gwaith “people” (GL/44): amr + gw(a)ith > amrwith > amruith.

References ✧ GL/19




amruith-torni plural ✧ GL/19


amrog “nomand, wanderer” ✧ GL/19
torn “sunburnt, swart, dark-brown” soft-mutation ✧ GL/19 (dorn)