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S. rem n. “mesh, net (for catching)” (Category: to Wind, Wrap)

S. rem, 7ly n. “mesh, net (for catching)” (Category: to Wind, Wrap)
N. gwî “net, web”
G. gwith “net”

A noun for “mesh” appearing in a footnote in Lord of the Rings appendices as the basis of Remmirath “Netted Jewels” and the plural adjectival element remmin in galadhremmin “tree-tangled, tree-meshed” (LotR/1115). In notes on The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor from the end of the 1960s Tolkien translated this word as “net (for catching)” (VT42/12) or “a hunter’s or fisher’s net” (VT42/29), derived from the root √REB or √REM “entangle, snare, trap” (VT42/12).

References ✧ LotR/1115; VT42/12, 29



Element In



Phonetic Developments

REM > rem(m) [rembē] > [rembe] > [remb] > [remm] > [remm] > [rem] ✧ VT42/12