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S. #morchant n. “shadow cast by light, (lit.) dark shape” (Category: Shade, Shadow)

S. #morchant, n. “shadow cast by light, (lit.) dark shape” (Category: Shade, Shadow)
S. dae “shadow (cast by an object or form), [N.] shade”

A word for “the shadows of actual objects or persons cast by sun or moon or other lights” attested only in its plural form morchaint (VT42/9), a combination of mor- “dark” and cant “shape” as suggested by Carl Hostetter (VT42/28 note #18).

References ✧ SA/gwath; VT42/9


morchaint plural “dark shapes, shadows cast by light” ✧ SA/gwath
morchaint plural “dark-shapes” ✧ VT42/9


morn “black, dark; night” ✧ VT42/9 (mor-)
#cant “shape” nasal-mutation ✧ VT42/9 (#chaint)