S. Celebrimbor m. “Silver-fist”

S. Celebrimbor, aljlw7`w{h7 m. “Silver-fist”

Last descendant of Fëanor, who crafted the Elvish rings of power (LotR/242), translated “Silver-fist” (PE17/42) or “Silver Grasp” (PM/179). His name is a combination of celebrin “silver” and the suffixal form -bor of paur “fist” (PE17/42, SA/celeb), and was adapted from the Telerin form of his name: Telperimpar (PM/318; VT47/8).

Conceptual Development: This name already had its final form when it first appeared in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s (RS/449). The name N. Celebrimbor also appeared in The Etymologies, already with its final meaning (Ety/KWAR).

References ✧ LBI; LotR/305; LotRI; PE17/42; PM/179, 318; PMI; SA/celeb; SI; UTI; VT47/8



celebrin “like silver (in hue or worth)” ✧ PE17/42; PM/179; PM/318; SA/celeb; VT47/8
paur “fist, closed hand” soft-mutation ✧ PE17/42; PM/179; PM/318 (baur); SA/celeb; VT47/8 (baur)

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N. Celebrimbor m. “Silver-fist”

See S. Celebrimbor for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/KWAR; LRI; RS/449; RSI; TI/182; TII



celebren “of silver, like silver”
paur “fist” soft-mutation ✧ Ety/KWAR (-bor)

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