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ᴺS. !logweg adj. “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate; (lit.) apt to bend” (Category: to Bend)

ᴺS. !logweg, adj. “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate; (lit.) apt to bend” [created by Paul Strack, Gilruin] (Category: to Bend)

A neologism coined by Paul Strack in 2022 specifically for Eldamo to replace G. gwedhweg of the same meaning. It is a combination of √LOK “bend” and S. -weg “active in doing”. Gilruin suggested this suffix in a Discord chat in April 2022.


LOK “bend, loop”
S. -weg¹ “active in doing”

G. gwedhweg adj. “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate” (Category: to Bend)

An adjective appearing as {gwenda >>} gwedhweg “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s based on the early root ᴱ√gwedh- (GL/46).

References ✧ GL/46





ᴱ√GWEÐE¹ “*bend, loop” ✧ GL/46 (gwedh-¹)
#-og “adjectival suffix” ✧ GL/46 (#-eg)