S. aran cîr lim “*king of swift ships”

S. aran cîr lim “*king of swift ships”

Reference ✧ PE17/147 ✧ ara[n] cîr lim


aran “king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person” ✧ PE17/147 (ara[n])
cair “ship” plural ✧ PE17/147 (cîr)
lim “quick, swift” ✧ PE17/147


S. aran na chîr lim “*king of swift ships”

Reference ✧ PE17/147


aran “king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person” ✧ PE17/147
na(n) “of; with, along with, accompanied by, provided with or by, associated with, marked with” ✧ PE17/147 (na)
cair “ship” nasal-mutation plural ✧ PE17/147 (chîr)
lim “quick, swift” ✧ PE17/147