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ᴹQ. lárea adj. “fat, rich” (Category: Fat, Grease)

ᴹQ. lárëa, j~C7R`C adj. “fat, rich” (Category: Fat, Grease)
ᴱQ. pingwa “fat, rich (of soil)”
ᴱQ. silc(in)a “rich, fat, glossy”

A word in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “fat, rich”, the adjectival form of ᴹQ. lar under the root ᴹ√LAR “rich, fat” (EtyAC/LAR).

Conceptual Development: When this entry was first written, root forms were ᴹ√LAR/LAS, this word had two forms lára and lárea, and its gloss was “blessed” (EtyAC/LAR). When Tolkien updated this root to be “fat, rich” he seems to have restored the early root ᴱ√LARA from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s whose derivatives also had to do with “fat” (QL/51). As such, the 1930s word lárea “fat, rich” seems to be a later iteration of ᴱQ. {larda >>} laruke “fat, rich” from this 1910s root.

Neo-Quenya: For purposes Neo-Quenya, I would use this word to refer to the rich taste of food, especially richness as derived from fat (including from substances like butter or even vegetable fats), such as “this soup is rich (tastes good because of fats)” = sina sulpa lárëa (ná). For “fatty” of actual flesh or meat I would instead use ᴺQ. larmëa.

References ✧ EtyAC/LAR





lar “fat, riches [richness?]” ✧ EtyAC/LAR (Lar); EtyAC/LAR

ᴱQ. laruke adj. “fat, rich” (Category: Fat, Grease)

See ᴹQ. lárea for discussion.

References ✧ QL/51





laru “fat, grease” ✧ QL/51