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[ᴱ]^ᴺ√PUK root. “sex”

[ᴱ]^ᴺ√PUK root. “sex”
See ᴱ√PU(HU) for discussion.


ᴱ√PU(HU) root. “generate”

A root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s appearing as ᴱ√PU(HU) “generate”, with various derivatives having to do with sexual intercourse: ᴱQ. putse “baby, child” as well as ᴱQ. pukta- and ᴱQ. puntl, the latter two words with erased glosses, probably “coire” (Latin for “copulate”) and “mem. vir.” (abbreviation for Latin for “membrum virile” or “male organ”) (QL/75). In the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon it had the derivatives G. pui “child” and G. puthli “baby” (GL/64).

There were similar forms in the Early Qenya Grammar of the 1920s such as ᴱQ. puita- “beget” and dual form puyandui “parents” (PE14/77), the latter also appearing in its singular form ᴱQ. puyando “parent” in the contemporaneous English-Qenya Dictionary (PE15/76). Finally, in the Noldorin Dictionary of the 1920s there were primitive forms ᴱ✶pukku- and ᴱ✶pukse serving as the basis for ᴱN. huch “cunnus” (Latin = “vagina”) and ᴱN. huis “coire (trans.), futuere” (Latin = “copulate”), appearing near similar forms such such as ᴱN. hoith “coitus (one act)” (Latin = “sexual intercourse”) (PE13/163).

Neo-Eldarin: For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I think this root is worth retaining as ᴺ√PUK to serve as the basis for Elvish words for sexual organs and intercourse, for which we have no other roots.

Reference ✧ QL/75 ✧ “generate”
