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ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë n. “usefulness” (Category: to Use)

ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë, n. “usefulness” (Category: to Use)

Petri Tikka coined a neologism ᴺQ. yungwë “usefulness” in Parma Penyanë Quettaron (PPQ) from the early 2000s based on the root ᴹ√YUK “employ, use”. I would simply use a noun form yuhtaimalë of adjective yuhtaima “useful” base on the verb [ᴺQ.] yuhta- “to use”.


!yuhta- “to use, employ”

ᴺQ. !yungwë n. “usefulness” (Category: to Use)

See ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë for discussion.
