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ᴺS. !gwachon n. “(sworn) brother, associate” (Category: Brother)

⚠️ᴺS. !gwachon, n. “(sworn) brother, associate” [created by Elaran] (Category: Brother)
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”

A neologism for “(sworn) brother, associate” coined by Elaran in 2022 as a replacement for [N.] gwador of the same meaning. It is a combination of gwa- “together” and hawn “brother” (a later word for N. tôr “brother”) with au > o as usual in compounds. I personally prefer to retain gwador and the root ᴹ√TOR for non-blood-related brothers; see the entry on the root ᴹ√TOR for further discussion.


S. go- “together, co-, com-”
S. †hawn “brother”

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