S. Pengolodh m.

S. Pengolodh, m.

The great Sindarin Lambengolmo (linguist), the putative author of much of Tolkien’s linguistic writings (PM/395, WJ/396). His name is simply pengolodh “teacher of lore” used as a name (PE17/139-140).

Conceptual Development: In Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s, his name was N. Pengolod, where various footnotes indicate he may have been the author, or at least the compiler, of the Silmarillion itself (LR/113, 228, 277-278). The final -d matches the orthographic conventions of this period, where [ð] was sometimes represented by d (PE22/34, 67). In some later writings, Tolkien considered changing his name to Thingódhel (WJ/419 note #25).

References ✧ MRI/Pengoloð; PM/395; PMI/Pengoloð; VT48/5; WJ/419; WJI




pengolodh “teaching sage, doctor (of lore), teacher of lore”

Element In


N. Pengolod m.

See S. Pengolodh for discussion.

References ✧ LRI; MRI/Pengoloð; SMI; TII; WJI/Pengolodh
