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ᴺQ. !yungwa n. “appliance” (Category: Tool)

ᴺQ. !yungwa, n. “appliance” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ] (Category: Tool)

A neologism for “appliance” created by Petri Tikka in Parma Penyanë Quettaron (PPQ) from the early 2000s, an instrumental formation based on ᴹ√YUK “employ, use” + ancient suffix ✶-mā, where km > gm > ñm > ñgw. Sometime around 1960, Tolkien updated this phonetic development so that km > kw instead (PE19/85), and in that later paradigm this word would be ᴺQ. yuqua “appliance”. I prefer the earlier paradigm, however, so I would keep Petri Tikka’s word yungwa for purposes of Neo-Quenya.


ᴹ√YUK “employ, use”
-mā “instrumental suffix”

ᴺQ. !yuqua n. “appliance” (Category: Tool)

See ᴺQ. !yungwa for discussion.
