√SNAG root. “wound, gash”
A root appearing in the Outline of Phonology (OP2) from the early 1950s, first as √(S)NAG “wound” (PE19/92 note #110) and then as √SNAG “wound, gash” in red-ink revisions made in 1959, ultimately having derivatives like Q. nahte/S. naedh “wounding, wound” (P19/91). It might be a later iteration of ᴱ√SṆKṆ “rend, tear” from Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with derivative ᴱQ. sanka “rend, jab” (QL/85). This early root was apparently confused with ᴱ√ÞṆKṆ “*hate”; see that entry for discussion.
References ✧ PE19/91-92