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G. path n. “peel, skin of fruit, fine bark (paper)” (Category: Skin, Hide)

⚠️G. path, n. “peel, skin of fruit, fine bark (paper)” (Category: Skin, Hide)

A word appearing in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s with glosses “peel, skin of fruit, fine bark (paper)” (GL/63), hence probably related to ᴱQ. parma “skin, bark; parchment; book” from the contemporaneous Qenya Lexicon under the early root ᴱ√PARA [*PAÐA] (QL/72). Its plural form as padhin, indicating a primitive form of *pað- where the final ð became th as usual in Gnomish.

References ✧ GL/63




padhin plural ✧ GL/63
