S. naur dan i ngaurhoth “*fire [be] against the wolf-horde”

S. naur dan i ngaurhoth “*fire [be] against the wolf-horde”
@@@ for gloss, compare to naur an edraith ammen “fire [be] for rescue/saving us” (PE17/38).

References ✧ LotR/299; PE17/38



naur “fire” ✧ LotR/299; PE17/38
dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again” ✧ LotR/299; PE17/38
“the” plural elided ✧ LotR/299; PE17/39
gaur “werewolf” nasal-mutation class-plural ✧ LotR/299 (ngaurhoth); PE17/39 (ngaurhoth)

N. naur ad i gaurhoth “*fire [be] against the wolf-horde”

Reference ✧ TI/187


naur “flame” ✧ TI/187
ad “*against” ✧ TI/187
i “the” plural elided ✧ TI/187
gaur “werewolf” nasal-mutation class-plural ✧ TI/187 (gaurhoth)