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ᴺS. [ᴱN.] glidheb adj. “like honey” (Category: Honey)

ᴺS. [ᴱN.] glidheb, adj. “like honey” (Category: Honey)
See ᴱN. glidheb for discussion.


N. glî “honey”
S. -eb “adjective suffix”

ᴱN. glidheb adj. “like honey” (Category: Honey)

A word appearing as ᴱN. glidheb “like honey” in Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s, an adjectival form of ᴱN. glí “honey” (PE13/144). The dh may have been introduced before the adjective suffix -eb to make it more pronounceable.

Neo-Sindarin: Since [N.] glî “honey” appeared in Tolkien’s later writings, I’d retain ᴺS. glidheb “like honey” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin.

Reference ✧ PE13/144 ✧ “like honey”


glí “honey” ✧ PE13/144
#-eb “adjectival suffix”