ᴱQ. alkarissen oilimain “in the last rays of light”

⚠️ᴱQ. alcarissen oilimain “in the last rays of light”

[< Previous Phrase] Oilima Markirya (First Version) [Next Phrase >]

The twenty-first phrase (line 25) of the first version of the Oilima Markirya poem (MC/221) and the fifteenth phrase (line 26) of the intermediate version of the Oilima Markirya poem (PE16/77). The first word is the locative plural of alkar “rays of light”, followed by a poetic plural form of the adjective oilima “last”, as indicated by the Glossary Commentary accompanying the sixth draft (PE16/75).

Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:

alkar-i-ssen oilima-in = “*ray-(plural)-in last-(plural)”

Conceptual Development: This phrase also appeared in the fourth, fifth and sixth drafts (OM1d-f: PE16/62, 72, 74). Tolkien first wrote the phrase in the fourth draft with both the noun and adjective in the locative, but without the final n: alkarisse oilimasse (OM1d: PE16/62). In the fifth draft he switched from the noun alkar to the adjective alkara, and changed the second word to the locative of the (adjective?) panyara of unclear meaning (OM1e: PE16/72). He settled on the final form of the phrase in the sixth draft (OM1f: PE16/74), and retained it for the final draft (MC/221).

References ✧ MC/221; PE16/62, 72, 74, 77




alka “ray (of light), light of day; shining” locative plural ✧ MC/221 (alkarissen); PE16/62 (alkarisse); PE16/74 (alkarissen); PE16/77 (alkarissen)
oilima “last” plural ✧ MC/221 (oilimain); PE16/62 (oilimasse); PE16/74 (oilimain); PE16/77 (oilimain)
alkara “brilliant, bright, shining” locative ✧ PE16/72 (alkarasse)
#panyara “?setting” locative ✧ PE16/72 (panyarasse)

Element In

ᴱQ. alkarissen oilimain² “*in the last rays of light”

[< Previous Phrase] Oilima Markirya (Intermediate Version) [Next Phrase >]

See ᴱQ. alkarissen oilimain for discussion.

Element In